1ms and 144hz monitor, or smart 3d TV with 200hz is better for gaming (on PS4)??

There will be absolutely no benefits of using a 144hz monitor on a PS4. You'll be wasting your money Since console's even have a hard time maintaining 60FPS

Just get a 60hz TV or monitor if you like
There will be absolutely no benefits of using a 144hz monitor on a PS4. You'll be wasting your money Since console's even have a hard time maintaining 60FPS

Just get a 60hz TV or monitor if you like
If you were to use a 144hz with a console you would get lag you want 144fps if using 144hz given the fact console games run at 30fps and 60fps you would end up with crazy lag if you tried playing using 144hz monitor with those games as 144hz monitor does not support 30hz. It does support 60hz but no point in buying 144hz monitor to use 60hz. TV's also don't have true hz like monitors do so a 200hz TV is not actually 200hz it will still run your 30fps games at 30hz and your 60fps at 60hz. This is why many people play on PC instead of console and why PC Master Race is a thing to say. Once you play on 144hz you can't stand 60hz let alone 30hz most console games run at.

Another reason PC is prefered is monitors like a 144hz 1ms have 1ms input lag or sometimes even less and TV's tend to have minimum of 40ms some have even more.

So overall your best option is a monitor that has the lowest input lag that supports HDMI and is only 60hz.