1st boot up-nothing, 2nd boot up-ok


Apr 2, 2001
When i first start up my computer it goes through the process of booting up and then blank-nothing. So i reboot and then it takes me to my desktop. It happens everytime. The second time it works like a charm. What can i do so it boots up the first time?
what motherboard and graphics card

I bought a pentium once!
Everybody makes mistakes..
[Posted by dieharddave: “When i first start up my computer it goes through the process of booting up and then blank-nothing. So i reboot and then it takes me to my desktop. It happens everytime. The second time it works like a charm”

Does it happen the same way when you turn your PC power switch off <b>after several hours of work</b>, and in 15 sec turn it ON again? I mean first start-up, but when your PC is hot?

And one more question: any marks in the Event Viewer, notices in log files?