1st Build - $1500 Budget - Compatibility - Performance w/o OC (Canada)


Nov 29, 2015
Hey Guys, i recently made a gaming build for the first time ever (http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/vgrPZL) and i was wondering how my build is for a $1500 budget, compatibility and how well it'll preform on high-end games like GTA V, Battlefront, Fallout 4 on high or ultra?
Looks pretty good, i would change the CPU to a intel i5 4690k or a i5 6600k. The motherboard is kinda overkill, you could change it to something cheaper if you wanna save some cash. The GPU is nice, although if you get a 100$ motherboard instead of that 200$ one or so, you could get a GTX 970 or a R9 390. (i dont know how much are they in canada tho). The PSU is kinda poor on quality. I would get a psu from Seasonic,EVGA or XFX or so. Overall its a solid build.