1st Build, should anything be changed?


Aug 14, 2014
I am building this pc for gaming, youtube, and rendering videos. So I need a good computer and I do have one question would I be good deals on blackfriday/cyber monday?


This is my 1st build I need 3 monitors one for gaming, and 2 for the computer itself.

as you are already investing this much and will use this pc for rendering and encoding thus i will suggest this cpu and board these will increase your budget by 330$ over current rig but extra cores will come handy for the type of work you want to do on this pc and you can increase its ram in future , quad channel ram, 8 ram slot, 128GB ram limit are some another points and this cpu have more overclocking headroom than i7-4790k thus you can...
If one of the monitors is going to be used for gaming, 60hz is fine and if you are happy with that then go for it. But something to consider is something like this


With this you get the 144hz refresh rate which is nice to have and makes things look a lot smoother. However if that isnt as important for you then its not a big deal. also that Graphics card will be fine for gaming too.

Another thing is you could look at a Corsair K95 Keyboard, gives you a fair amount of macro uses and 18 G keys, but again im not sure how important this stuff is to you, depends what type of games you are going to be playing. On a side note its also pretty orgasmic to type on 😀.
Also has a windows lock key so you cant tab out of game by accident which again is useful.

But apart from that it looks fine!

so in your opinion the 6gb would be better then 780ti 3gb sense I plan on rendering, gaming, and live streaming?
and yeah ima wait until end of november cause ima buy all parts on blackfriday or cyber monday hopefully good deals and ill have the money by then

as you are already investing this much and will use this pc for rendering and encoding thus i will suggest this cpu and board these will increase your budget by 330$ over current rig but extra cores will come handy for the type of work you want to do on this pc and you can increase its ram in future , quad channel ram, 8 ram slot, 128GB ram limit are some another points and this cpu have more overclocking headroom than i7-4790k thus you can stretch its leg when you feels like it
overall , IMO very well worth the price

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-4930K 3.4GHz 6-Core Processor ($576.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus P9X79 ATX LGA2011 Motherboard ($244.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $821.97
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-08-14 10:24 EDT-0400

Yes, it will be better, you can alwso check out the 800 series when they come out since you're buying around that time

I would truely love to get this build right here cause like you said it'd be better, but unless I come up with more money at my job doubt ill get it unless black friday has sales on this, but a great suggestion tho!!