1st Gaming pctv


May 2, 2017
In this thread we will discuss tv and computer components. To place a a gaming ready rig inside a Tv Enclosure. For maximum stealth PC hookups in our home theatres.
So I was going to get the Asus Rog mini. A pcie 16x adapter and then inside the element tv with built in DVD. Cut out the DVD and kinda build a reverse mount and build it flat in the tv enclosure. Currently deciding weather or not to install a water cooling system and have the Rez mounted to the side of the tv. And running most cables in the enclosure of the tv. If I add water cooling to the tv itself I can cut away some of the aluminum fins inside the enclosure and open up more space. But this is one of the tightest builds I have ever attempted.
This is my HTPC: https://pcpartpicker.com/b/6vxYcf


PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($251.98 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-L9i 33.8 CFM CPU Cooler ($38.88 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Corsair XMS3 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($63.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 840 EVO 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($144.89 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Western Digital WD Green 2TB 3.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive ($89.88 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 4GB FTW ACX 2.0+ Video Card ($699.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Silverstone RVZ01B Mini ITX Desktop Case ($78.13 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Silverstone 500W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular SFX Power Supply ($94.99 @ Amazon)
Optical Drive: Silverstone SOD02B DVD/CD Writer
Other: Zotac Z77 Mini ITX Wifi ($155.99)
Total: $1618.72
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-05-02 10:52 EDT-0400

Most of the parts I had spare from previous configurations and I didn't want my 3570K to go to waste sitting in a box, so I decided to build a HTPC around it. Finding a Z77 mini ITX motherboard was practically impossible when I was building it, so I had to find one on eBay, and that's when I got the Zotac motherboard that's currently being used. It's a solid motherboard, I like it a lot. Working in mini ITX is very cramped but the end result was great.
That's a very solid build.
I wanna remove the Htpc Case and place it all withing the enclosure of a tv. Working with a Mini Itx I think it would be possible to have a tv with generally one cable for its own power. And a second for the PSU.
I want to build a powerful modern gaming PC within a TV enclosure for a mount job in my house.

Some of those specs are going to do wonders when part picking.

I don't know if that's possible or not. I've seen monitors with a full PC built into the back of them, but I think building a full PC into the back of a HDTV could potentially void multiple warranties. The closest I've seen is that someone on PC Part Picker bought a cheap PC case, stripped it down to the bare metal, and then rebuilt that into a drawer.
I feel like it is possible as long as you are willing to do some custom work to the shell of the tv. And also allow some hardware to remain slightly exposed. There is an ample supply of parts to go from a tower mount to a flat mount. Similarly to a desk mount.
Or a drawer mount

The drawer mount is probably the better way to go. I've seen a few that have pulled that off very successfully.
There are many cases out there that support VESA mounting, so you could easily get a Mini-ITX system behind a TV, and then mount the computer to a wall VESA mount or VESA monitor stand.

Not sure I can think of a TV that has enough space in the back for a computer. Not without using laptop parts, like the aforementioned All-In-Ones. If you took the case off the back of a TV it would be rather exposed.
Sadly. I don't have the means to do a Drawer build. It is mounted on a brick wall above a fireplace. And has a small sound system off to the left. The man in charge of the project stated he wanted to visible PC. And wanted it segregated from audio equipment.
This is the only answer I have.

Plus I think a lot of manufacturers would void the warranty if you did that. I'd say build in a mini ITX case like a Node 202 or an RVZ02B and mount that behind the TV.
Ya I spoke to the man on the phone and brought up a mini PC mounted behind the TV and he agreed that would be a very good way to organize the PC. But he still wants water cooling. Which I guess I can figure out.
Anyone got any good ideas regarding a Mini PC Case and A Simple solution to Water cool the entire system.
Mini PC and watercooling don't typically mix well, it would almost certainly be a full custom job to cram it all in there. And what do you mean by "entire system"?

CPU, GPU, Motherboard, Ram? Or just CPU/GPU, or just CPU?

Anything beyond just CPU and it will get tricky.


That is *NOT* a good idea. There's no CLL that will fit in a mini ITX case, and full liquid loops can be tricky and complicated. You're better off not doing this.
This is an entire custom job to begin with. We won't be able to talk him out of water cooling and he is beging to question a micro PC. And is back to wanting it mounted in the tv :/ ... "He said it will be to cramped to hot, it will break if the fire place is on. I want it in the tv, water cooled"

What he wants just cannot be done. Period, and what he's asking for is incredibly insane.
Ik. My boss is dumbfounded by the idea. But is just quirky enough to shoot me over here for some help.
I said we should do a custom mount, on the brick behind the TV. Flat and not in a case but protected by some plexy. It would be well ventilated. And could easily be water cooled and will be large enough to build on. Without it being a hassle. So he is thinking on that. I'll probably get a call in a hour on it.
No off the shelf cases are jumping out as having anywhere close to the requirements for this.

Could always get something truly custom from caselabs.

To mount it on a wall, you could just get a rack style chassis that has a 90 degree riser for the graphics card. That way it can be cased and relatively slim. Depending on the size of the TV, this shouldn't be too difficult to hide.

"In the TV"
That's not going to work.

OK, fine....it can work, IF...

You find an exceptionally thick TV.
Buy an All In One PC system.
Take it apart, and find whatever space is inside the TV.

Liquid cooling as well? Not gonna happen.
Unless we wish to violate the laws of physics and thermodynamics.

Not to mention it would take a *LOT* of custom hardware that most consumers wouldn't be able to have access to.

I have in my hindbrain the design for my HTPC inside a piece of old stereo equip.

Even though it is a simple rectangular box of sufficient size, it will take quite a bit of DIY and fudging things to make everything work, and not look like crap.
To the point of I might need a new 3D printer to make some of the mount parts.
I Should probably mention what the team kinda thought up to get this build done so i will let you goes know what bits and pieces they threw together to get the project done.

ASRock Mini ITX DDR3 1333 NA Motherboards C70M1

Patriot Memory Performance Viper 3 DDR3 8GB Memory Kit PC3-15000 (1866MHZ) PV38G186C0K Black Mamba

AMD FD6300WMHKBOX FX-6300 6-Core Processor Black Edition

FSP 450W Mini ITX Solution


PCI-E PCI Express 16X Riser Card Flex Cable (size was in question)

Kingston Digital, Inc. 480G

Sata was going to be roughly 28 inches

Some adapters for six pin.

boss had a draw up of the boar being help through the existing post holes on board with nut and bolts, braced with washers and the hold on board covered with non conductive shrink wrap or electrical tape.

Psu Mounted under the wall mount with some drill holes and fitted to the psu then braced to the mount for the tv with zip ties.

water cooler hung on the right side of the tv (rez) and cooled through cut out holes on the tv chassis.

Gpu fit in above or next to (since blower tv case would have hole cut out and it would be held up same way as gpu, but would have nuts to tighten against the outside case with mesh so nothing can fall out)

90* HDMI running from tv port and into tv to GPU.

And that is about as far as we got, for planning atleast.

We had the back of the tv off and had it all pretty much sized out, and we could have theoretically pulled it off, but we need exotic solutions for making the back of the tv sustain the added weight.

It would have been an interesting project for sure, but I think what the client was asking for simply doesn't exist. I'm sure there's probably someone out there who knows more than we do and could attempt such a thing, but it would definitely require some creative welding for sure.