Doing a new build for the first time in a long time. Impetus is gaming (Fallout 4) and that the old machine is blue screening more and more. Goal is a machine that will last me the next 4 or so years. Read up here at Tom's (thanks, Tom's!) and Newegg and believe I have parts that are all compatible:
I have three questions I would appreciate input on:
1. The PSU is the only part I haven't read up on or picked yet, mostly because I don't have a good understanding of my system requirements. Suggestions here?
2. I am debating throwing on a second MSI 970 since the motherboard seems to support SLI and since I am not leaning towards the 980. Waste of money? Doing so would presumably impact question 1., above.
3. Anything really dumb here? I get that some things are subjective, and reasonable minds will differ, so I guess I am looking for anything that makes you sit back and say "where did he get THAT idea?"
Thanks in advance!
I have three questions I would appreciate input on:
1. The PSU is the only part I haven't read up on or picked yet, mostly because I don't have a good understanding of my system requirements. Suggestions here?
2. I am debating throwing on a second MSI 970 since the motherboard seems to support SLI and since I am not leaning towards the 980. Waste of money? Doing so would presumably impact question 1., above.
3. Anything really dumb here? I get that some things are subjective, and reasonable minds will differ, so I guess I am looking for anything that makes you sit back and say "where did he get THAT idea?"
Thanks in advance!