1TB Seagate HDD Corrupted - Doesn't show anything - Fix?


Mar 17, 2015
Hi all,

I'm new here and was hoping to get some help with my HDD.

Its been in my PC since day one, I got it around 2009.
Approx a year ago my PC wouldn't boot and was stuck on the boot screen.

I got another HDD just to get my PC up and running.
I then purchased a SATA to USB connector for my HDD to I could get all my pics from it.

However, When I connect it, it doesn't even show.. Nothing loads, no drivers, nothing in My Computer.

I thought this was just the wire that didn't work, so I connected another HDD and that worked fine.
I've put my HDD as a second HDD in my PC and still nothing.

With it being 1TB it was almost full, I've had it years so you can imagine how much sentimental value is on there!

I've tried programmes to boot the HDD or even recognise that its there but nothing!

So is it totally gone, or does any Guru's on here have any ideas?

Thats what I thought =/
I'm not 'silly' with PC's if you know what I mean, I just didn't know if they'd have anything a lot more advanced to recover my data.
If its gone, its gone.

But was worth a shot!

I agree with gregbattis. It does sound like it is dead. Places that do data recovery have professional tools on hand and can possible transport the platters to a new drive.

One thing you might be able to do is find and buy the same PCB (circuit board) on ebay and transplant that onto your hdd. It sounds more like the controller board is broken and not the drive itself. Even if the drive fails the circuit board should identify it and display the model # etc. in the BIOS or when plugged in via USB.
While it's entirely possible you're dealing with a defective HDD perhaps a bit more examination should be undertaken before absolutely concluding the disk is defective.

You haven't stated one way or another as to whether the disk is detected by the motherboard's BIOS. Is it?

Since the disk is a Seagate why don't you use the Seagate SeaTools for DOS diagnostic program to see if it picks up the HDD and provides a report of its health. See...http://www.seagate.com/support/downloads/item/seatools-dos-master/