1Tb Seagate Hdd Showing Only 3.85 GB

kranthi chevuri

Aug 15, 2013
My Seagate 1Tb Burned With Shot Circuit Of Cpu,
It' Burned In Fair.

I Swap Failed PCB With New Hdd PCB
After The PCB Swap Detecting But Showing Only 3.85 Gb
Please Help My data Is Very Importent
Hi there kranthi chevuri,

How does the drive shows under Disk Management and BIOS? If it shows as 3.85 GB over there, then something went wrong with the PCB swap or this wasn't the issue on the first place.
As your data is really important, it may be a good idea to contact some data recovery company. Most of the major HDD manufacturers offer their own data recovery services or have some sort of data recovery partners.
