
Jan 10, 2012
Hey there i have got this hard drive but for some reason it will not format..........

i have plugged this in to a sata docking station and tried formatting but no luck i have also tried internaly in the pc but still no luck i have downloaded and tried to use Active Kill Disc And tried to kill the hard drive (Format) But sit just sits at 0%

Is this fixable if so how lol

Could it be the board??????



What model is the drive pls? Does the drive have jumper pins and if so how is it configured? Do you get any type of error message, what happens when you try to format it (NTF I assume)?
If this is a new drive and has never been used, you must initialize it in disk management first, otherwise if there is nothing on the drive, have you tried removing all partitions then creating new partitions before formatting?