1x2GB + 1x4GB, is it ok?

Issue Games

Jul 26, 2015
First of all here are my specs:
i3 3220
R7 370 2GB
1x4GB DDR3 RAM 1600MHz
; I have 2GB DDR3 RAM(don't know the frequency) lying free and willing to install it on my rig. So my question is will it work; 1x4GB + 1x2GB assuming both are ddr3? Will it improve over-all performance or not? 'cuz I think if 2GB has lower frequency than the 4GB it will decrease over-all performance wont it(correct me if I'm wrong)?
Also how can I check the frequency of the 2GB RAM, without having to remove the 4GB RAM and check the frequency afterwards? I check and its not written on the RAM
P.S: cpu-z shows my RAM(assuming both 4 and 2 GB are installed) frequency at 799MHz which when multiplied with 2 gives 1600Mhz, so should I say everything's just fine?
Here's a picture:

Incase the picture won't show up http://i67.tinypic.com/s28zea.png
Yup if cpu-z shows DRAM frequency as 800MHz after installing the 4GB too, then they both are running at 1600MHz. All is good. Had either one of the rams been designed to run at a lower frequency the PC will readjust the working frequency of both the rams to the lowest rate. But that is not the case here as both are running at the same and highest frequency supported by your CPU.Glad I could help. Cheers!
Your DRAM frequency is ~ 800 MHz so you DDR rate is 1600 MHz. So yeah go ahead and put the 4GB into your PC. Running dual slot ram does give you a slight edge which is practically unnoticeable for an average user. But more memory will sure come in handy

First of all thank you for the quick response, the thing here is what if the 2GB has lower DRAM frequency say like; 1333Mhz and the 4GB which I know is 1600MHz, will my PC then run at 1333MHz and not at 1600Mhz?
P.S: I have installed both the RAMs(shown in picture) and cpu-z shows 800MHz so should I assume, both are running at 1600MHz?
Yup if cpu-z shows DRAM frequency as 800MHz after installing the 4GB too, then they both are running at 1600MHz. All is good. Had either one of the rams been designed to run at a lower frequency the PC will readjust the working frequency of both the rams to the lowest rate. But that is not the case here as both are running at the same and highest frequency supported by your CPU.Glad I could help. Cheers!