2 anti-virus installed

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May 24, 2011
My new PC will run win7 64 bit pro. I'd like to know if it's possible, or advisable, to have two different anti-virus software installed?
When I say possible, I mean to ask if it will create conflict between the two. Could I enable/disable one and use the other one and vice-versa?

By the way, the man building my pc wants to put in Microsoft Security Essential as the AV. Is it even a real software or just some MS crap?
yes area51 is right,two avs in a single PC creates problem like you know "the clash of the Titans(i.e anti-viruses)"...Don't know it only yourself tell it to your friends and relatives after they harm their PCs.......if someone do it in most cases you can't uninstall any of the avs(my friend was a victim) and you have to format your PC what is not so cool thing.
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