
Feb 27, 2010
I have now 2 nights in a row left PC on and when woke up had it BSOD, what could the problem be?

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 116
BCP1: FFFFFA8008F682B0
BCP2: FFFFF88006B3C9E0
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: 000000000000000D
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:

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Its sad I know what half these BSOD messages are without even looking now:

Bug Check 0x116: VIDEO_TDR_ERROR

This indicates that an attempt to reset the display driver and recover from a timeout failed.

Its either the GPU drivers, or the GPU itself is damaged. Try a different version of the GPU driver. If the problem remains, try testing with a different GPU. [If you don't have one, your best bet may be an RMA, just to be on the safe side].
Yep, i have seen Code 116 before and most of the time its a Video Driver or Bad component issue. check for bad RAM Seating, Bad CPU Seating, Temperature issues (U did say it was running all night and when you come back to it in the morning) . If its none of those then its most likely a Driver Issue or a Video Card issue
Well it started once I installed another GPU.

I have 2x 7950 + 1x 7970.
Ive been running 2x 7950 now but it still gives BSOD.

I recently added the 7970 again and going to try unofficial catalyst 8.96 12.x guru3d 14feb

In fact the 2x 7950 gave me 50fps, now I get 53fps with 7970 + 7950 and no BSOD so far (13h no BSOD).

Seems I'm not getting 3 way crossfire...
By using three GPU's, you are adding more VRAM for usage. If one of the GPU's had bad VRAM, using three decreases the chance of using that bad bit in RAM, avoiding the problem, but it still remains.

I strongly recommend testing each of the cards [especially each 7950] one at a time to ensure all of them are in working order. Might just be a CF driver problem, but might be HW as well.

do you mean it increases the chance of failure?

Because 3 gpu's give BSOD alot.

I'm now 24h BSOD free with 7970 + 7950.

I prolly should try out the last 7950 just by itself and see if it's deffective.