2 computers... one hard drive?


Jun 3, 2016
I have a few instances where it would be very handy to do this, and I'll explain ...

I bring my laptop to and from work daily. It is a pain to do so especially on days like today when it's raining. Like Gizmo, laptops don't like water.

I am wondering if I had 2 laptops that were exactly the same model, each running windows 10 (or 8 or 7 if I must) and each with it's own activation code if it would be possible to sync the entire hard drive between the 2 somehow. I could probably set up something like dropbox to sync the entire drive but something tells me it will miss a lot of files and in some cases could take longer to sync than to crack 256 AES encryption.

or, if it would be possible to grab the hard drive from one and put it in the other. I realize that even though the computers would be exactly the same, the software would know they are different computers. I know this cannot work right out of the box so some kind of work would need to be done.

I also know I could easily do this with Linux, but my primary environment is windows due to many of my programs are windows specific.

Ideas? Is it possible? or did Microsux screw that up for us?

You are overthinking things a bit. Cloud storage for the files you need, or remote into your work laptop from home and leave the laptop at the office. Or even simpler, use a laptop bag. It's like wondering what to do when it's cold out when need to walk to the car and buying a second car\ to drive to the first one when you can just put on shoes and a warmer jacket.
Mostly the reason I don't use an external or online storage is because I want the installed programs and settings on both computers as well. I am constantly installing new software for testing and I often change settings. I can spend hours fiddling with the settings in windows to get things just how I want them. This is not a necessary thing, but it is handy.

I have remote desktop set up but it is only really for emergencies as the upload speed at home is really slow (country living at its finest)

I have a laptop bag, it's a nice bag, but it's not waterproof and I live in not so sunny Florida lol

I have a flash drive with Ubuntu on it and it works for any computer you can boot to a flash drive. I love it because if I change something, or save something in one computer, it will be there in any computer I use. I just wish windows had the same option.
You don't need a fully waterproof bag to carry a laptop around unless you are prone to dropping the thing in lakes as you travel home, I don't know any rain short of a hurricane that will get inside even a lower quality laptop bag.

So you already have all things you need to work remotely, you have a remote system, and a laptop bag to carry the laptop around. If you have two identical laptops then swapping a drive between them is fine, as long as you are OK with removing the thing all the time. Really it's just asking for a connector or the hard drive to break during the process.

I'd just spend a $50-100 on a good laptop bag if you are afraid to use yours. No need to over-engineer things. If you want to peel an apple you don't hold the apple still and built a rotating platter under the house to rotate that around the apple.
This is Florida, our light rain is everyone else's monsoon 😛

That is not the point though, the rain is only a very minor issue. It is the inconvenience of having to load up the laptop every time, hook up the mouse, keyboard and monitor (and power) and then having the bag with the laptop in my car when running errands before or after work. It can get over 200 degrees in a car here in Florida in summer so if I go to the store or something, I'd have to lug the bag with me the whole time.

I'm not too worried about breaking a connector, I own a computer repair business and as a result I have a lot of laptops I can snag parts from, besides, if I can find a way to do it with a hard drive, I can find a way to do it with a flash drive.

There are other applications for this as well, such as in desktop computers, and security. No worries about someone breaking into my shop and getting my data if I have the hard drive (flash drive) with me.

I have 50% custody of my son, I gave him a laptop when he is at my house... his mother asked if I could get him one for when he is at her house, it would be cool to have them both 100% in sync with each other.

This is more about seeing if it could be done than anything. I just think it would be really cool.
I have to say I think hang-the-9 is right on. I used to work with a guy who's favorite expression was "never make the solution more complicated than the problem". Swapping a hard drive between laptops is just asking for trouble unnecessarily.

It's easy to do it with a hard drive, just swap the shells. Only thing you may run into is Windows detecting a new serial # on the motherboard and wanting to be activated again. You don't have to sync anything though, if the hardware is the same, it will just boot up the other system with no issues. You can't do that with a flash drive, Windows won't allow you to install on an external drive.
Docking station?

Depending on the model there might be a port replicator or docking station available for it.

There are some decent USB ones out there, that way you only have to plug in one cable and power.

In theory, yes.

I'd be surprised if it was anything close to being 'fast'. And it will almost certainly run into activation issues between the two systems.
They do make a point of saying it is not fast lol, the boot times are very slow because it has to install drivers for each new computer. I guess I'll just have to try it and see if it works... call it an experiment

The bottom line is simply that sharing a hard drive to boot on different computers is a bad idea that is good for nothing but trouble. The sooner you understand that, the better off you'll be. Sorry, but you need to pursue something with better odds of success.

Good luck.