Built a system with an ASRock MSA770DE which wouldn't power on. After some fiddling it seemed to work but then went dead followed by a diode on the board blowing. Figuring it was a short, replaced the board and the case. System ran well for 2 months and then the same diode blew on the new board after the system shutdown inexplicably. So, before I ruin a third board, what should I be looking at, testing etc.
- ASRock M3A770DE ATX Motherboard
- AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition (125W) Quad Core
- G.SKILL NQ Series DDR3 1333MHz (PC3-10666) 4GB
- AMD Radeon HD 6870
- Antec EA-500D Green EarthWatts 500W Continuous Power Supply
- ASRock M3A770DE ATX Motherboard
- AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition (125W) Quad Core
- G.SKILL NQ Series DDR3 1333MHz (PC3-10666) 4GB
- AMD Radeon HD 6870
- Antec EA-500D Green EarthWatts 500W Continuous Power Supply