2 different 970's SLI


Jan 22, 2017
Okay, so I have 2 different 970's in my system, hence the title of the thread.

But my question is, should I overclock the lower clocked card, or should I underclock the higher clocked card?

If I should underclock the higher clocked card, then how would I go about doing so? I'm not sure how underclocking works. I use MSI Afterburner, but for some reason it's not showing the exact core or memory clock speeds of either card, it's just showing how much they're both boosted.

Card 1: ASUS GeForce GTX 970
Card 2: GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 970 G1 GAMING

So these 2 cards have quite a bit of difference in clock speeds. Reminder: I don't have an SLI bridge atm, I need to run by PC Tune Ups and buy 2, but I think I should worry about clocking both cards the same before worrying about SLI'ing them.
Overclock the other card, so that they are at the same speeds, or almost the same.
So basically plus 100mhz on the Asus and you're good to go.