2 GPU or 1?


Nov 29, 2015
hey guys,newb here with a question.Im building a new computer and I was wondering if I would be better off using 2 GTX 970s or 1 GTX 980.
I will be using the ASUS z97-A MB and an i7 4790 CPU.
I dont mind spending the money for the 2 970s if they are a lot better,but if its even halfway close I can get another 980 later on.Thanks for your time!
2 970s are more powerful than a single 980 Ti. But keep in mind that SLI/CF has their own problems (microstuttering blah blah). Not all games support multi GPUs setup. They use more power (bigger PSU) and thus generate more heat.
If you already own a GTX 970 and have enough PSU power then SLI another 970.
If you're building a new system which is your case, I recommend getting a single GTX 980 Ti.
2 970s are more powerful than a single 980 Ti. But keep in mind that SLI/CF has their own problems (microstuttering blah blah). Not all games support multi GPUs setup. They use more power (bigger PSU) and thus generate more heat.
If you already own a GTX 970 and have enough PSU power then SLI another 970.
If you're building a new system which is your case, I recommend getting a single GTX 980 Ti.
ok so if Im reading/thinking about this right,according to the review Gam3r01 posted the 2 970s are better,but not twice as good.So a 980 would run anything Im playing and down the line I could pick up a second one to SLI......I think that will be the plan.Thank you both for your comments and research.