I have 3 monitors on my system. 1x acer predictor x34 currently on a 1050ti, and 2 x 22" either side of the x34 connected to motherboards graphics card. The x34 is mainly used for content creation/video, photography. With the side panels displaying adobe photoshop, premier tool panels on one and chrome or other app on the other. I'mJust about to update system with new main board, cpu etc. And was wondering if there are known issues with running a 1080ti with the x34 connected via display port as main monitor for the gpu powerhouse of the system for games and also content creation. And the 1050ti just for the 2 side 22" monitors which will Just be used/utilised when content creating/video editing as I do now. I'm not interested in sli/crossfire type of use etc when gaming or utilising all 3 monitors when gaming etc?