2 monitors on 2 gpus ?


Oct 4, 2016
hello, i have an intel i5 6400 cpu, a dedicated gpu and a 2 monitors setup. Can i run one monitor on the integrated gpu and the other on the dedicated one ? If so, how? I need this because one of the monitors only works on the dedicated gpu, but as the gpu is very weak I cannot play games on it, so i want to play games on the other monitor conected at the integrated gpu which is far better than the dedicated one, but at the same time i need the other monitor for other things. i have an uefi asus bios. Thanks
sorry, i was not very explicit in my post.... I'm not quite a noob... i tried already to connect the two monitors (my mb has all of the above ports you mentioned) but when i power on the pc only one monitoractivates ( the other one as i told you does not work with the integrated graphic nore it activates when i connect it to the dedicated gpu the primary gpu being the integrated one), after all of this, when pc was powered on i plugged the second monitor to the mb also and it activated also, but not at the resolution that i want (it has 2560X 1600 max), the resolution is very very low. When i connect both of the monitors to the dedicated gpu all is fine, but i cannot play the games i desire. My mb is an asus b150m-k... meanwhile i'll try tweaking some settings in the bios...maybe there is the problem.
From what I remember of the Asus UEFI from the short time I owned an Asus motherboard, there was the option to boot with either the igpu or the dedicated gpu, but I couldn't find a way to run dual monitors that way. Maybe on the higher-end boards, they support these features, but the dinky B85m-g r2.0 I had (which fried itself 3 months after i bought it) didn't support it. My current MSI motherboard does support this feature, and it seems they have for several generations now. If anything, yours might be obscure and hidden in an advanced menu deep in the dark, untrodden territories of the unpopular bios options.

Your motherboard also only has one full sized pcie slot, so you can't just run out to your local electronics store and pick up a dirt cheap graphics card to push pixels to the second display (assuming you don't care much about congruity or multi-monitor surround stuff).

Ok so when you plugged in the monitor that does work with integrated and dedicated, did u use the same cable for the other monitor? It may be the cable that's faulty, or even the monitor. If you did use the same cable then problem is most likely with the monitor. If you didn't, then there's a chance your cable is broken.