2 OS on 2 hard drives one one computer

I want to update my steam games not the OS i just did not know if having the two OS would be a problem
Also I have a huge case and its a pain to unhook and carry aornd but my hard drive is in a hot swap bay so it is easy to get to


If your internet is that bad, then how are you even able to play those games? How did you install those games to begin with? If you are able to play them, then you should be able to update them. It may take awhile if you have a lot of games, but be patient and allow them to update. Or take your pc over to your friends house and update them there. You don't have any other options for that.

Best of luck to you.

1) It's not about dual booting, that's annoying but possible.
2) The primary issue is that you CANNOT boot from USB unless you have WindowsToGo license, which you don't
3) The second issue is that your license will be invalidated the moment you change hardware
4) No need to update steam games unless you play online, but if you can't download a 2gb patch overnight you can't expect to play a game online

I only get 15 gigs of Internet a month and got black ops 3 as a gift and was hoping I found an easy way to install it and just get eveything up to date but I guess I didn't

Assuming you did update and everything, you would only be able to play ~50 hours a month, assuming you used 100% of your connection for that game. You NEED a better ISP