2 out of 4 RAM slots not working


Dec 18, 2013
After reading many articles I strongly believe it is a motherboard problem. Basically when I have RAM installed in 2 of the slots it just enters a reboot loop before BIOS. (sorry if this is mentioned later)

Relevant Specs:
i7 4770K - OCed to 4.6Mhz (only recently, After problem)
HD7970 Graphics Card
1100W Power Supply
16GB RAM (https://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=18886)
another 16GB Ram from old PC (http://www.kingston.com/en/memory/hyperx/blu - 2 of those)
Gigabyte GA-H87-D3H Motherboard (http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=23563&cPath=1491)
SSD Primary HDD (128GB)

Ok, Ill draw a picture of how my RAM modules sit.

{-----------------------------------------------------------} -DDR3_4
{-----------------------------------------------------------} -DDR3_2
{-----------------------------------------------------------} -DDR3_3
{-----------------------------------------------------------} -DDR3_1

and these are the combo' that work:
1+2+3+4 no
1+2 no
1+3 no
2+4 yes
4+1 no
3+4+2 no
1+4+2 no

As a have seen its only this motherboard and a similar that get this exact problem.

When I do a no combination (nearly all of them) it just reboots, BEFORE the BIOS leaving no time to change settings.
I mostly tried matching pairs in the tests but just a minute ago I put in a HyperX Blu into slot 2 and a G.skills into slot 4, other that the Mobo having a go at me it worked.....

Does anybody know if there is a switch on the Motherboard, because I really don't want to have to send it back for warranty and I also want to get my 7.9 Windows experience rating (7.7, from RAM and CPU, which is why I OCed it)

Thanks for the help
First thing I would check is for bent pins in the socket that might cause the memory to not function properly, additionally have you tried each stick by itself to make sure they all work? and do both sets function in slot 2/4?
Try with two sticks in 2-4, say the GSkill sticks, go into BIOS and raise DRAM voltage to 1.57 save, exit, shutdown, then try adding the other two sticks, might be to do with the mixed sets, but appears slot 1 may have a problem - if you have any compressed air might also try blowing out the slot
Yeh, I just really don't want to have to rebuild my computer all again and buy more thermal paste, ect.

Sooo much effort, I wasn't even meant to get this Mobo to start with, its just the one I ordered went out of stock before my payment cleared :O
First thing I would check is for bent pins in the socket that might cause the memory to not function properly, additionally have you tried each stick by itself to make sure they all work? and do both sets function in slot 2/4?
Then check the pins on your processor, you're basically down to the point where either slots 1 & 3 are dirty, you have a bent pin on the cpu/socket, or you have 2 bad slots on your board. You said you didn't want to send the board back so clean the slots with air, and check for bent pins before you send it off.
sooo, after trying to clean it, I can only take off the cpu , and/or return the board :)

maybe 2 RAM sticks arnt so bad after all. I only just, yesterday installed a new CPU fan and used up my paste :)

Fun, fun, fun

thanks for the help. I don't think its the processor because I installed it carefully and nothing was broken before I installed it, although im not sure
I put the paste on about 12 Hours ago, and have only ran the PC for 5 minutes at a time max (probably about 20 times) in intervals of varying times.

Would the paste of set in, and how would I reuse it, just don't wipe it off?