2 Questions- Motherboards & SLI


Jul 21, 2014
1) what's the difference? Gigabyte X99-SLI vs Asus X99 Deluxe 3.1?

2) If I'm not planning on getting a 4K monitor, do I really need more than one 980TI? Although nobody has a crystal ball, that should be good for the next several years right?

Thank you

1680 @ 60fps. So will 2 do it?

What I'm trying to accomplish is get a system that might last a decade without constant dickering. Tall order, I know.
Is this a gaming build or does it have another purpose? A single 970 will do 1680 @ 60fps. Why do you need a X99 platform?

You cant make a PC 10 year future proof. There will features not supported and everything will be so out of date, not to mention parts already failing

I asked the original question because I know where the power button is. You guys are the experts on everything else. :) Yes, I was creating, or, attempting, to create a gaming / 'normal' productivity' system (office, web, rendering, etc) that might last a while. Right now I have a Dell XPS 8000 that's 8 years old, that has 2 -15 year old Western Digital HDDs, and everything going strong so far.