2 Screws won't screw into the standoff screw of the case - is it ok?


Dec 26, 2016

I bought some new PC parts, including a new case and a new motherboard.

The case came with pre-installed standoff screws but one standoff screw is missing + One of the standoff screws can't be screwed in(the screw just keeps on turning and won't get in the hole at all). I tried multiple screws too, no luck though.

X - X
X - O - O
X - X

X = Screwed a screw into a standoff screw
O = Standoff screw is not screwed

Will this be a problem ? The motherboard is the Gigabyte Z370P D3 and the case is the Phanteks Eclipse P300.

I tried to check the internet if it's okay to leave these two unscrewed but didn't find anything that matches my problem... I'm thinking this might cause a problem with the electricity and stuff like that...

Also as a side note: there are 3 standoff screws that my motherboard doesn't need - will that be a problem too?

Thanks a bunch for those who reply !

My current motherboard is missing standoff screws and its operational. However, just giving you some light on it. Maybe someone with more knowledge can better assist because I don't want you doing the same thing I did and a negative consequence pops up.
This depends on what screws it's for, if it's for the class, then its a huge part of the pc, and you should look for some alternatives methods to keeping it screwed in. But, if it is not for the tempered glass, then you should be fine, but better be safe than sorry, and look to go buy some replacement screws. For the motherboard, you don't need all of the standoff screws, but if the screws are near some wiring, it would help.

It is not for the glass, just the motherboard.