2 sticks of 4gb ram, single channel?


Jul 19, 2014
So to preface this im not the most tech-savvy person, so excuse me if im just dumb.

So i installed CPU-Z to determin wether my ram is DDR2 or DDR3, (its ddr3) and i saw that both sticks of 4gb are running in single channel. https://i.gyazo.com/0c8e14659d13ca0152bfe5a31f92928c.png

My motherboard only has 2 ram slots, so i doubt its the "put them in the same color slots"

I didnt build this computer, but am slowly upgrading the parts over time.

So my question is, is this an error? or is it only using 4gb of ram?

Slot 1 has info showing, but everything on Slot 2 is blank
You sure it is 2 sticks of 4gb ram and not 1 stick of 8gb? as it should be showing dual channel mode in CPU Z if it is showing 8gb,well it could be a software issue to,do 1 thing,open task manager and click performance and check the total physical memory,and tell me if it is 8gb or 4gb.

Yes, it is 2 sticks of 4gb (i have opened my PC and seen)


that was task manager, it says 4gb in use and 4gb spare

Different windows,in windows 7 it's different,here i have total of 8gb physical memory (8135 mb)

As said,check 1 ram stick in 1 slot,to determine if all the sticks are fine.

Well im getting new ram soon anyway, so is it even worth it?