2 TB hard drive or upgrade ram to 16 gb?


Dec 26, 2015
Currently I have a 1 tb WD hard drive had it for like 2 years and I have 8gb of ram. I currently have like 600 gb left on my hard drive and last time when I had like 400 gb left it made my cs go get huge lag spikes like I normally have 300 fps and it made me drop to like 20 fps and I have good ping too. But than after I reset my hard drive it all went away. That's why I wanted to upgrade my hard drive to a WD red 2tb hdd. to prevent that from happening again cause im getting a 1070 soon and i wanted to get the most performence out of it.I also have an ssd with like 120 gb left. Or I was just planning on forgetting about the hard drive and just reseting my 1 tb drive right now. or just going to buy 8 more gb of ram to make 16. Cause I also had the same ram for like 3 years too.
Just a few thoughts for you. First off, there's no reason to put a Red drive in a desktop computer. Those are specifically designed for NAS's. What you want is a WD Black drive, or better yet just drop WD and go with an HGST drive. I also doubt that a drive which is getting close to full will be having any effect on frame rate in games. Unless these games are really poorly coded. Most likely the lag was due to some other process running in the background such as antivirus. Also when adding RAM you really should buy matched sets of modules. Otherwise you may get one that is underperforming and will slow the entire system, possibly even start crashing on you. So to upgrade to 16GB, you should either buy a single 16Gb stick, or a...
Just a few thoughts for you. First off, there's no reason to put a Red drive in a desktop computer. Those are specifically designed for NAS's. What you want is a WD Black drive, or better yet just drop WD and go with an HGST drive. I also doubt that a drive which is getting close to full will be having any effect on frame rate in games. Unless these games are really poorly coded. Most likely the lag was due to some other process running in the background such as antivirus. Also when adding RAM you really should buy matched sets of modules. Otherwise you may get one that is underperforming and will slow the entire system, possibly even start crashing on you. So to upgrade to 16GB, you should either buy a single 16Gb stick, or a new pair of 8Gb. Only if you're getting the exact same model should you even try mixing them.

So im guessing it would be better if I went to buy more ram?
You don't need more RAM. 8gb compared to 16gb is no difference (unless you've got really slow RAM) in gaming. You should invest in faster RAM, not more. I agree with JaredDM, there is no reason that your game would slow down if you got close to your hard drive limit.
like 600 gb left on my hard drive and last time when I had like 400 gb left it made my cs go get huge lag spikes like I normally.----never seen a half full drive with 400gb left cause issues(maybe if only 1gb free space left or so), only if a drive is failing could it cause system slow down(from trouble reading / writing to drive) check its smart status to see if its showing signs of failure otherwise you don't need to do anything.

8gb ram is plenty no need to upgrade there.

There must be something wrong with his hard drive.