2* Titan X+2*980 Ti


Apr 22, 2016
Hey there
I have 2 980 Ti's and somehow i got 2 Titan x .
I wanna know can i connect them in quad sli.I have a 6700k but don't have other components.
Budget -$1500
No monitor ,mice,keyboard needed
No quad SLI, and not like quad SLI is supported by any games anyway. At best a game will support triple with ~2x performance over a single card, usually not even that high. Stick to 2x titan x and sell the 980ti's before the 1080 becomes widely available and sinks the price of the 980ti to nearly nothing
No quad SLI, and not like quad SLI is supported by any games anyway. At best a game will support triple with ~2x performance over a single card, usually not even that high. Stick to 2x titan x and sell the 980ti's before the 1080 becomes widely available and sinks the price of the 980ti to nearly nothing