I bought corsair CX500M power supply and a Gigabyte 270x graphics card. Now the problem is. Since the PSU is semi-modular it has 6 pin peripheral, 6+2 pin PCI-E, 6 pin SATA, and 4+4 CPU. Now, how can I connect my PSU to a graphics card with 2 x 6 pin?
That PSU comes with 2 x 6+2 PCIe power so none issue use both 6 pin parts http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139050&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
There is no 6 pin peripheral only 4 pin and it is also called MOLEX.
Ok, but here are my cables: 8 pin (type 3) on one end (that end goes into PSU), and 2 x (6+2 (it sais PCI-E on the 6 pin) on the other end. And one with 6 pins that goes into PSU and 4 molex and 1 weird one (I think it's for floppy) on the other end, also the 2 of 2 molex to 1 x 6 pin that I've got with the graphics card
You use the 2 x 6+2 and only plug in the 6 pin part leaving the 2 part out of the connector. The adapter that came with the card is of no use for you since you have the correct connectors on the PSU!
The www but most of it is experience if you look up my profile you will see and I am currently running a HD7950 on a single PCIe power cable with two connectors from a OCZ ZS550watt PSU.
So I'm about to use the cable that has 8 pins on the side that goes into PSU and 2 PCI-E off the other end and into my graphics card. If I got it wrong will it fry up my gpu or will it not work?