20-25 foot 144hz


Jan 28, 2018
I need a 20-25 foot cable that can give me 144hz at 1080p on an asus vg248qe monitor. thanks! p.s. willing to spend a pretty good amount on a cable that can achieve this.

Will this carry a 144hz signal over the whole length? I have read things that say the signal degrades over time and some people's monitors locked at 60 Hz when they used a long cable, and i bought the monitor specifically for 144 Hz. I have looked into it and it looks like DVI is the way ill have to go to even have a chance, because apparently, DisplayPort loses all picture quality after 15 feet, go figure. Anyways thanks for your help, ill look into that cable.
In my experience cables can be hit and miss. I think a lot of companies buy wire in bulk and some is better than others. I have bought from this company before and had good luck. From the reviews, clearly some people have not. Good news it it's only 14 bucks to find out and Amazon can pretty generous with returns. Better yet, if you have a Fry's near you ... sure they sell a lot of crap, but they will take anything back.