20+ BSODs and crashes


Oct 3, 2015
Starting a week ago, I've been experiencing many BSODs and lockups in general. Below are listed all the bugcheck messages that I managed to write down on paper, and then some. In some cases they disappeared too quickly for me to read anything more than a few words.

BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER (Times shown up to my knowledge at time of writing: only once. The very first BSOD message I received.)
(Didn't have time to write down the bugcheck message. However, after looking it up in Event Viewer, apparently it was: )
0x000000fe (0x0000000000000006, 0xfffffa80083e71b0, 0x0000000050456368, 0x0000000000000000)

IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (Times shown up etc: three or four times.)
0x0000000A (0x0000000000000088, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000001, 0xFFFFF80002874CA6)

PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA (Times shown up etc: two or three times. According to the minidump files I'm including at the end of this it only shows up once, but I remember reading it on at *least* two separate BSODs [possibly three] without any shadow of a doubt.)
0x00000050 (0xFFFFFA854768E398, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFF8000C0CF209, 0x0000000000000005)

BAD_POOL_HEADER (Times shown up etc: only once. Most recent one.)
0x00000019 (0x0000000000000020, 0xFFFFF8A0117AD990, 0xFFFFF8A0117ADA50, 0x00000000050C010C)

Assorted bugcheck messages with no error name above them, or I failed to write down the error name, or I didn't have time to write down either one and recovered only the bugcheck from Event Viewer:
0x0000000a (0x0000000000000028, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xfffff800020c4720
0x0000000A (0x00000000000000E9, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000001, 0xFFFFF8000208E831)
0x0000001E (0xFFFFFFFFC000001D, 0xFFFFF8000C0736FD, 0x0000000000000002, 0xFFFFFA800779B000)
0x0000001E (0xFFFFFFFFC000001D, 0xFFFFF800028BAE48, 0x0000000000000002, 0xFFFFFA8006906100)

Even in safe mode, my computer still crashes or locks up sometimes. Included are all 13 minidump files that have been created over the course of 20+ BSODs and lockups.


Oh, and I should note that among the *many* solutions I've already tried, I ran memtest86 for about 24 hours (slightly more than 10 complete passes) with 0 errors detected, so the RAM seems to be fine. Any light you can shed on which driver(s) are responsible for these crashes would be GREATLY appreciated. Also, in the event that it's a non-critical driver for a program I no longer use, is it fine to just delete that driver, and that will resolve the problem? And in the event that it's a critical system driver that can't be found under device manager, guides on the internet unanimously recommend fixing it from an OS installation disc, and I don't have the OS installation disc for this computer, what should I do?

Sorry for posting such a long message, and thanks for reading!
first bugcheck looks like something in plug and play ended up having a problem, it tried to delete a lock that did not exist, this could be a driver problem or a memory problem. The call came from a generic service host.

you would have to change the debug type to kernel in order to figure out the cause of this bugcheck.
(assuming it is not a memory problem)

it looks like you need to apply all of the various windows updates to your system.

update the xbox usb driver
xusb21.sys Thu Aug 13 15:10:17 2009
(this old version has problems, it can corrupt memory even if the adapter is not plugged in)

also confirm your memory is ok, update the BIOS to the current version or reset it to defaults and run memtest.

looks like this is a old...
something is corrupting your system memory.
I would suspect
KeyCrypt64.sys Tue Dec 30 03:18:02 2014

The stack is corrupted, it can be that driver or maybe one of the beta drivers you have installed.
Zemana AntiMalware 2 BETA.

it could also be caused by a bug in your old network driver, old network drivers tend to really mess up new virus scanners or streaming software:
Atheros NIC driver
L1C62x64.sys Wed Jul 18 19:55:34 2012
maybe look here for the L1C driver:

you might also look at your motherboard vendors website (I could not read the BIOS from your memory dump)

I've uninstalled the first thing - the antilogger - which I hope deleted KeyCrypt64.sys. I'm going to wait awhile to see if this resolved the problem. If I get another BSOD, I'll uninstall zemana antimalware as well and wait again to see if that resolves the problem. If that still doesn't fix the problem, what should I do about my network driver? According to device manager I have the latest version of it. Also, on the last page you linked me to, I clicked the L1C link for windows 7 64-bit, then tried downloading the latest version off of the page after that one. After noticing a message that said "Searching file, please wait ..." and waiting several seconds, it sent me to this page: http://download3.dvd-driver.cz/atheros/drivers/lan/win7-l1c- which returns a 404. What should I do about the network driver that I already have installed and/or this specific one on that website? And thanks for your help!
Sorry for the double post, but here's a large update: I uninstalled both programs and updated my network driver, but the lockups are still persisting. (After this point, I've done all of the following and haven't experienced any more BSODs or lockups yet. Emphasis on "yet.") I also went to C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository and cut a folder that contained a driver for a program called VirtualBox, along with 3 other relevant files, and pasted the entire folder elsewhere, hopefully rendering it inert, but ready to be pasted back to where it was in case I need it for some reason. Afterward, I used nvidia geforce experience to update/perform a clean installation of 5 different nvidia drivers that were out of date.

Only one new minidump has been generated since I woke up and continued working on the problem, despite experiencing 3 BSODs and 1 lockup (without a BSOD). Here it is: https://www.mediafire.com/?5vibn5mvflh31g4 This minidump was created just prior to removing the program responsible for creating KeyCrypt64.sys. Since it can take anywhere from two minutes to several hours for these BSODs/lockups to occur, it's too soon to tell if the problem has been resolved or not, but considering how many things I've tried so far with no luck, it's likely that the problem still exists.
Yeah. For the past 8 days my computer's been fine, but while editing an hour long video in camtasia studio, I just got another BSOD. System_Service_Exception, the bugcheck was: 0x0000003b (0x00000000c0000005, 0xfffff80002bb7901, 0xfffff8800fbd6970, 0x0000000000000000).
Link to the minidump: https://www.mediafire.com/?305notiz4m379qx
Just enough time without any crashes to be lulled into a false sense of security.
a bad memory address was passed to the windows kernel. windows shutdown the system with a bugcheck because of it.

you have a overclocking driver installed, first thing to do would be to remove it:
AODDriver2.sys Tue Mar 06 01:55:00 2012
then see if you still get the bugcheck.

machine info:
BIOS Version F3
BIOS Release Date 10/18/2012
Manufacturer Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
Product Name GA-78LMT-S2P
Processor ID 120f6000fffb8b17
Processor Version AMD FX(tm)-4100 Quad-Core Processor
Processor Voltage 90h - 1.6V
External Clock 200MHz
Max Speed 3000MHz
Current Speed 3600MHz

I went into device manager, enabled the ability to view hidden drivers, and removed AODDriver2.sys, as well as drivers for zemana antimalware and zemana antilogger since posters here have said that those programs came up in minidumps as possible causes of the BSODs. Everything was fine for a few days, but I just crashed again. Since there was no blue screen during the crash and automatic restart, unfortunately no minidump file was created. Since none of these things seem to have been the cause, is it fine to go ahead and reinstall them?
I would not reinstall them until you figure out the problem. If you produce another bughceck, you will have to uninstall them again because they will always be suspected.

-A crash with out a bugcheck: if no bugcheck was displayed on the screen and you were running a game, then look for a power problem to the GPU. if the GPU does not get enough power then it takes power from the motherboard PCI/e slot, this can trigger the motherboard to reset the CPU.

you might consider turning on verifier and have it check your drivers for common programming mistakes.
hardware conflicts between the motherboard audio and the GPU audio support can cause lockups that don't produce a bugcheck.

run cmd.exe as an admin then run
verifier.exe /standard /all
reboot and wait to see if you can get another another bugcheck.

note: turn off verifier using
verifier.exe /reset
after you are done testing.

I would also reset your bios to defaults, this will rebuild the database of hardware settings it sends to windows.

you might also consider setting your system to be able to trigger a manual crashdump. If you get a lockup that is not a power reset you can force a memory dump and see where the system is hung.

Google: "how to force a memory dump using a keyboard" then set the registry settings.

often if your system locks up and you see a black screen, it is the system rebooting and the power_ok signal never being set to true.

Before following your advice, I experienced several crashes, lockups, and BSODs. Of the BSODs, here are the two minidump files that were created.

and: http://www.mediafire.com/download/s5cwdlmu9i2aiux/102015-20904-01.dmp

(The second one gives me the most hope of resolving this issue. Out of all the BSODs I've received, it's the only one where the bugcheck claims that the problem is MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. So does this confirm that it's NOT a driver problem, NOT a software problem, and NOT a video card problem, just the RAM itself? I hope so... I'd really love to narrow this down to a single cause once and for all. Or a single driver/software/video card problem that affects the RAM, that would be fine too.)

Here's the third minidump file that was created after following your advice and manually initiating a crash using my keyboard: http://www.mediafire.com/download/s5cwdlmu9i2aiux/102015-20904-01.dmp

Finally, after following your advice by loading optimized BIOS defaults, saving, and exiting, here are some automatic driver installations that took place once my computer began booting back up.

1: http://i.imgur.com/qIYxHcS.png
2: http://i.imgur.com/bT1YY2A.png
3: http://i.imgur.com/jhFlmrW.png

I don't recall if I was playing any games during the crashes a few days ago, but if I was, they weren't graphically intense, and today I definitely haven't played any games at all.

Just when I had finished typing/uploading almost all of that, a bonus BSOD occurred. Here's the minidump from that: https://www.mediafire.com/?nsp7f14lntcjwyv

After restarting, before I could finish typing this *again,* ANOTHER crash occurred, but generated no minidump file since it wasn't a BSOD.

Also, thanks for all your help, you and everyone else! I appreciate that you're taking time out of your day to help me with this.

EDIT: Here's another minidump that was generated after another series of lockups and a single BSOD: https://www.mediafire.com/?6bmb9crwnroujje

EDIT2: According to task manager, my computer is only utilizing 50% of its RAM, 4 GB out of 8 installed: http://i.imgur.com/OVoDAEx.png

EDIT3: About twenty hours and one restart later, my computer is now utilizing all 8 GB of RAM installed again.
Yet another BSOD, but this one generated a brand new bugcheck type: https://www.mediafire.com/?o6d42m0xdwg1790

APC_INDEX_MISMATCH 0x00000001 000007fe`fe6e25ba 00000000`00000000 00000000`ffff0000 fffff880`1069d4a0 peauth.sys peauth.sys+609d4a0 Protected Environment Authentication and Authorization Export Driver Microsoft® Windows® ntoskrnl.exe+74200

"ntoskrnl.exe" shows up in the vast majority of bugchecks where any program, driver, etc. is listed. Is this universal to all/most crashes worldwide, or what?
overall, I would be running hardware tests, check the Temps and voltages.
run crystaldiskinfo.exe and read the smart data from the drive to see if the drive is having problems (check drive health)

one bugcheck was a error coming out of the storage system but it could be caused by the mode of the SATA driver, or a data corruption on the drive.
(no CRC errror was called) You might boot windows and start cmd.exe as an admin and run
sfc.exe /scannow
to check for file corruption of the windows core files on the drive.
it sounds like when you reset the bios it set the SATA mode of your SATA controller back to IDE mode. This happens on older machines.
you will want to set it back to AHCI mode to get your drive to work faster.
when you update the BIOS, you will have to set it manually.

- I looked at several of the memory dumps, 2 of them might be helpful
one was a instruction pointer misalignment, this can happen if a CPU is overheated, or a power supply is not providing proper voltage to the CPU.
on a older system you would want to blow out the dust from the various fans and make sure they are spinning up to speed.
on the bugcheck that showed the IP problem the system was up only 33 seconds. It is a very short time for a heating problem unless the CPU fan was actually stopped (or your system rebooted and was still too hot and just bugchecked again)
(could still be a failing power supply)

ok, do some clean up of your system>
update the BIOS to the current version, you are two versions behind the last release.
The last release had CPU microcode fixes.

remove these drivers:
AppleCharger.sys Wed Oct 24 17:51:02 2012
(used to override the USB power settings to charge apple products)
old version of the the xbox driver, it has memory corruption bugs:
xusb21.sys Thu Aug 13 15:10:17 2009
(upgrade to xusb22.sys for fixes)

update your network driver L1C62x64.sys Mon Jul 15 23:56:44 2013
it should be the L1C driver on this page

you have some very old amd drivers but they do look like the ones on the webpage:



CrystalDiskInfo: claims my HDD's health status is good. Disk management claims that both my C: drive and system reserved space are healthy

Ran sfc.exe /scannow at 6:08 AM
BSOD 11 minutes later: https://www.mediafire.com/?42xc4zdf276bb9o

Went into BIOS upon rebooting, noticed S.M.A.R.T. was set to disabled, enabled it. Changed 2 IDE settings to AHCI/SATA (the 2 below the highlighted one): http://i.imgur.com/i2zcU1w.png

Ran sfc /scannow at 6:21 AM
BSOD 14 minutes into it: https://www.mediafire.com/?42xc4zdf276bb9o

Ran sfc /scannow at 6:41 AM
Crashed without a BSOD, ran sfc /scannow at 6:47 AM
Crashed without a BSOD, ran sfc /scannow at 7:10 AM. Noticed computer restarted with only 50% RAM usage this time, so high hopes that this session will be successful
It was. "Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
Details are included in:" https://www.mediafire.com/?42xc4zdf276bb9o

Decided to run another sfc /scannow while following more steps in the hopes that this one would either recover or delete more corrupt files this time around: https://www.mediafire.com/?eve3x65fp2mrhvr (Possibly a duplicate of the last one but with more information tacked on at the end?)

My computer's CPU runs at anywhere from 25 to 50 degrees C, but hovers at about 25-35 the majority of the time, so at least the temperature is okay

Worked on figuring out how to update my BIOS for a long time (took breaks in-between to shower, make breakfast, wash dishes, do laundry, etc.), never succeeded due to a combination of errors and frequent crashes pulling my attention away from this. Here are some startup repair messages:

1: http://i.imgur.com/uLmBKza.jpg
2: http://i.imgur.com/Ub47qcA.jpg

I'm going to stop here and share the remaining BSODs, then remove those drivers you told me to and follow as many of your other steps as I can. Unfortunately, neither new BSOD generated a minidump, and I saw that coming because of how long it was taking, so I took pictures of them with my smartphone. If one of them had generated a minidump, it likely would have told us exactly which driver is causing this error. Here are the two pictures:

1: http://i.imgur.com/BqIWHiu.jpg Probably the most important picture regarding all this, possibly confirming once and for all that it's a driver error. "A driver has overrun a stack-based buffer. This overrun could potentially allow a malicious user to gain control of this machine."
2: http://i.imgur.com/OariPuS.jpg PFN_LIST_CORRUPT

EDIT1: After going into device manager and enabling the ability to see hidden drivers, in order to find the drivers you mentioned, I noticed one called "AODDriver4.1" with a yellow exclamation mark next to it. Apparently it's used by a program called AMD OverDrive, which sounds like an overclocking program or something similar. After googling cases where people uninstalled it without anything terrible happening, I removed it as well since there was no option to update or repair it.

I then removed the AppleCharger driver from device manager, and while searching for the other one you mentioned, ended up going to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers and just removing both of them from there.

I downloaded the L1C driver off that page. Here's what it gave me: http://puu.sh/kUMnl/3bcc251cc7.png I guess I'm supposed to copy and paste the top three into the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers folder? I'm not 100% sure. If someone recommends that I do that, I will.

Alright, so now all I need to do is possibly that last thing I mentioned (not sure if that's the right thing to do though), and figure out how to work with this "BIOS ID check error" that prevented me from updating my BIOS. Of the BIOS options on this page: http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3833#bios I'm currently on version F3. Would you recommend updating to F4, or F5a, which claims to be a beta version (and is the version that gave me that "BIOS ID check error" message)?

EDIT2: After attempting to update the BIOS again and waiting over an hour for it to finish, I googled how long it should take from another computer and was dismayed to discover that it's only supposed to take about 30 seconds, maybe less. I guess I'm just lucky that my computer wasn't irreversibly corrupted after doing that, as some peoples' computers have been. I won't attempt to update the BIOS again under any circumstances.
I haven't had any crashes since performing the above steps - maybe removing the AppleCharger driver did the trick? - but I went 8 days without any BSODs once during this month long process, so this might just be another lull before they start up again.

One weird issue that's just begun in the past few minutes: I noticed that a program called puush wasn't functioning properly. Puush is a program like gyazo; it lets you take pictures, save them to a remote depository, and copy a link to them to your clipboard, all with the push of a single button. I changed the keybind to take a picture of my current window to the tilde key a long time ago. Since booting my computer this morning, it hasn't been working. I went into the keybinds, changed it to the tilde key again, but whenever I press the tilde key, it *does* register the key press, but instead of registering it as "Tilde," it registers it as "None." Here's a screenshot example of a different keybind working just fine: http://puu.sh/kX7Fu/27f4721313.png

As you can see, my tilde key works as intended outside of puush: ` ~

But the weirdness doesn't end there. I was just editing a text file when suddenly the keys started reacting strangely. I began typing the word "Open," and it came out as "Epon." No big deal; I sometimes type too quickly and type some letters out of order, so I figured that was why. I backspaced it, typed it more slowly, and noticed that I had only pressed "O," yet "P" was what was showing up. I backspaced it and pressed "O" again. "P" showed up again. I looked down at my keyboard and confirmed that my finger wasn't even touching the "P" key, only the "O" key. After doing this a few more times and getting mixed results between the "O," "P," and "E" keys reacting strangely, this particular keyboard problem seems to have gone away as suddenly as it appeared (only temporarily?).

I went into device manager and there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the keyboard driver, but I tried updating it anyway. "The best driver software for [my] device is already installed," apparently.
What on Earth is going on with my keyboard? Should I just buy a new one? The one I had prior to this lasted 5+ years. I've only had this one for about 3-5 months, though. But since they're so cheap, it wouldn't be a problem to buy a new one if this one's dying prematurely for some reason.
I would run a malwarebytes scan to see if your app is malware infected.

Alright, I'll do that and edit this post once I'm done.
More strangeness #1: After rebooting this morning, all my saved passwords were cleared; I've been logging back into accounts all day.
#2: When visiting websites, sometimes the screen is zoomed in far too much. For example, I'll watch a youtube video and everything's fine. Within that same tab, I'll watch a new video and everything's still fine. Then I'll switch to a third video, and suddenly it's as if I held down the ctrl key and scrolled the mouse wheel up 2 or 3 times. This is happening on other websites as well at random intervals. Another example is closing a website at its usual level of zoom, pressing ctrl+shift+t to re-open that tab, and it's suddenly zoomed in 130%. The browser I'm using is waterfox, I've used it for a few months now, and I've never had this problem with it before.

I have no idea what's going on. Do you think any of this is connected? And on a side note I ran a full system virus scan earlier, and everything came back okay.

Edit: Aside from some potentially unwanted programs/registry values that were mostly removed years ago, nothing outstanding was detected by MB, and nothing to do with puush or the text editor I was using.
Alright, I went about 13 days without any other BSODs, crashes, etc, but it was just another lull. Two things that keep showing up in event viewer at boot are:

Event ID 7026
Level: Error
The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:

and Event ID 7000
Level: Error
The AODDriver4.1 service failed to start due to the following error:
The system cannot find the file specified.

I've deleted both of those, and deleting the AppleCharger driver cleared up my BSODs, etc. for about 13 days (until today), so I'm thinking that that's part of the solution, but not a permanent one, at least by itself. What can I do to keep this problem from coming back again?
Of course, this assumes that my most recent "freeze" - an event where my computer becomes completely unresponsive: the mouse, keyboard, my speakers while music had been playing, etc. - is related to all the previous freezes, BSODs, and crashes without BSODs. It's possible that this most recent one is unrelated. I'm not so sure about that, but I'll keep it in mind as a possibility. My computer's specs are pretty decent and it never freezes under normal circumstances, including running multiple games simultaneously at max graphical settings while watching streaming videos.
System froze less than 1 hour after starting computer
Hard rebooted, BSOD before I could even get to my desktop; just before it happened, I heard an error message sound effect, as if windows was looking for a file and failing to find it
Hard rebooted, lasted 2 minutes before system froze again
Hard rebooted, crashed after 5 minutes, managed to upload the minidump from the BSOD before the crash occurred and type most of this post out in advance
Computer automatically rebooted after the crash as it always does after crashes, checked bluescreenview, read that something's wrong with "usbohci.sys," got distracted by googling information about how to resolve critical errors caused by it instead of posting here, BSOD about 5 minutes after getting to my desktop
Hard rebooted, system froze before I could even make it to my desktop
Hard rebooted, system froze after 2 minutes of use, not enough time to start browser and upload minidump from last BSOD
Hard rebooted, managed to make this post before next inevitable computer crash/freeze/BSOD, crashed roughly 6 minutes after making it to my desktop
Computer automatically restarted as it always does after crashing, seems my computer's maximum lifespan before either crashing, freezing, or giving me a BSOD is 6 minutes tops. To appease the fickle gods of event viewer, I put the aforementioned AODDriver4.1.sys back in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers back where it belongs. That's one less error message on startup to deal with. I find it odd that windows is still trying to load AppleCharger at startup though. What program, drivers, or other bits of data could be causing that to happen? Noticed in task manager that my computer's utilizing slightly less than half of its available RAM, so I'm 100% confident that, even though this session will be slow/laggy sometimes, my computer won't crash/freeze/give me any BSODs. For some reason this just happens sometimes; after enough crashes/freezes/BSODs, my computer randomly restarts with slightly less than 50% RAM available to use, and during these sessions, the c/f/Bs stop.

1st BSOD minidump: https://www.mediafire.com/?11d77ml1773m1z3 KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED usbohci.sys
2nd BSOD minidump: https://www.mediafire.com/?ldodhdwayhmkjxx MEMORY_MANAGEMENT dump_amd_sata.sys
first bugcheck looks like something in plug and play ended up having a problem, it tried to delete a lock that did not exist, this could be a driver problem or a memory problem. The call came from a generic service host.

you would have to change the debug type to kernel in order to figure out the cause of this bugcheck.
(assuming it is not a memory problem)

it looks like you need to apply all of the various windows updates to your system.

update the xbox usb driver
xusb21.sys Thu Aug 13 15:10:17 2009
(this old version has problems, it can corrupt memory even if the adapter is not plugged in)

also confirm your memory is ok, update the BIOS to the current version or reset it to defaults and run memtest.

looks like this is a old post, not sure if your problem has been fixed.
Yeah, I think I resolved the problem (but there've been intermission periods lasting over a month before, so who knows) by reseating the RAM and blowing out dust. A few days after I bought this computer and brought it home over 2 and a half years ago, a loud clattering noise came from inside it. I grabbed a flashlight, peeked through an air vent, and it looked like some kind of metal plate advertising a company's logo had fallen and landed on my video card. My computer was running at the time, nothing seemed to be affected, and I didn't feel like grabbing a screwdriver and taking the case apart just then, so I left it alone for the time being. As minutes went by, then hours, then days with nothing going wrong, I decided to just leave it alone and forgot about it.
Fast forward to over 2 years later, and it turns out that was half of the outer shell of a stick of RAM (up until then, I'd never seen a stick of RAM with a thin metal casing on the outside before), and I guess being exposed to air and dust for over 2 years finally started causing memory problems. I've since reattached that metal plate to the RAM, cleaned out a bunch of dust, and reseated both sticks for good measure. Everything's been fine since then.