Approximate Purchase Date: This Month
Budget Range: $200-$300 (As little as possible please. Selling laptop to build this.)
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Flight Simulator, surfing the web, web hosting (ie. using WAMP), Skype, Microsoft Office, whatever else people use a desktop for
Parts Not Required: Mouse, keyboard, display, speakers.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts:, but only because I have scrolled through it before. Other trusted sites welcome!
Country: United States Of 'Merica
Parts Preferences: I like Intel, only because I have never had anything else for processors, but since I am a noob, I'm open. I've heard of AMD and nVidia, so like I said I'm open
Overclocking: Maybe, but leaning towards no.
SLI or Crossfire: They are both GPUs aren't they? Either one unless I hear poorly about one of them!
Monitor Resolution: I already have a monitor so I don't believe I need to fill this spot out?
Additional Comments: I'd like to be able to see the components only cause I like seeing the technicality of a PC and it's parts. I also like lit PCs, but I could always do that myself so please leave it out if it puts me near/over $300. I'm a cheapskate sometimes Oh and of course water cooling if it's possible. Water cooling before lighting of course.
Thanks for your help all! Very excited to see what comes from this! Been wanting to do this for a long time!
Budget Range: $200-$300 (As little as possible please. Selling laptop to build this.)
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Flight Simulator, surfing the web, web hosting (ie. using WAMP), Skype, Microsoft Office, whatever else people use a desktop for
Parts Not Required: Mouse, keyboard, display, speakers.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts:, but only because I have scrolled through it before. Other trusted sites welcome!
Country: United States Of 'Merica
Parts Preferences: I like Intel, only because I have never had anything else for processors, but since I am a noob, I'm open. I've heard of AMD and nVidia, so like I said I'm open
Overclocking: Maybe, but leaning towards no.
SLI or Crossfire: They are both GPUs aren't they? Either one unless I hear poorly about one of them!
Monitor Resolution: I already have a monitor so I don't believe I need to fill this spot out?
Additional Comments: I'd like to be able to see the components only cause I like seeing the technicality of a PC and it's parts. I also like lit PCs, but I could always do that myself so please leave it out if it puts me near/over $300. I'm a cheapskate sometimes Oh and of course water cooling if it's possible. Water cooling before lighting of course.
Thanks for your help all! Very excited to see what comes from this! Been wanting to do this for a long time!