200 FPS loss after windows 10 build 1703 istall!


Apr 30, 2017
Hello guys, i want to ask you for an advise on what should i do my fps dropped drastically after windows 10 install. My specs : Core-i7 6700HQ; nVidia geforce gtx 950M 4GB; 8GB RAM DDR4 2133Hz; SSD HyperX Fury. Before i got my SSD i got like 150-210 FPS in Counter-Strike Global Offensive, now i get 90-150 FPS. Please help. P.S Sorry for the bad English it's not my native language.
There was a recent Win10 update that added new performance-control options. Find those settings and make sure it's set to Gaming mode, and make sure your power settings are on High Performance.

May I also point out that even if you go from the max you listed, 210, down to the minimum you listed, 90, that's still only 120 FPS lost, not 200...

Yes my mistake it really is 120 fps drop, but it's still allot. I saw the new option but when i open Xbox app everything is perfect it runs, i can click on every tab but when i click on Settings it crashes. I tryied to sign in with another user and i tryied resetting the game's cache, but it still doesn't work.
Y'know...I don't think I've gotten the Creators update yet. Thank you registry tweak that tricks Win10 into thinking I'm on a metered connection 😀

If the XBox app is crashing, you might want to actually submit a ticket to Microsoft; there seems to be more going on than just game lag.