200$ keyboard broken usb port


Dec 24, 2013
hey guys sorry for any incorrect typing im using the on screen kb for win 10. so a month ago one of the blue pieces on my kb's port where the removable cable plugs broke leaving the pins exposed but it still worked. but today 2 of the pins broke in half leaving only half of em and no longer making contact with the plug on the cable . is there anyway to fix? keyboard is a cmstorm mech. thanks
From the sounds of it, you have put way too much tension on a regular basis to the port or yanked the cable out too many times at an angle, as it is very rare for a port to crack and break. That being said, you can probably resolder the usb port (I've done this many times with power jacks, micro usb jacks, etc...). If you open up the keyboard, you can normally get the part number from piece in question by looking for tiny numbers and/or a manufacturers name/symbol. If you find the exact number, you can do an online search to find the correct replacement part. Desolder the old one off and replace. Sites like Jameco (http://www.jameco.com/1/3/solder-usb-interconnects), Digikey...
From the sounds of it, you have put way too much tension on a regular basis to the port or yanked the cable out too many times at an angle, as it is very rare for a port to crack and break. That being said, you can probably resolder the usb port (I've done this many times with power jacks, micro usb jacks, etc...). If you open up the keyboard, you can normally get the part number from piece in question by looking for tiny numbers and/or a manufacturers name/symbol. If you find the exact number, you can do an online search to find the correct replacement part. Desolder the old one off and replace. Sites like Jameco (http://www.jameco.com/1/3/solder-usb-interconnects), Digikey (http://www.digikey.com/product-search/en/connectors-interconnects/usb-dvi-hdmi-connectors/1442532/page/3?k=solder) and several others have component part that you can older.

You can also ask CM directly what part number they use. The keyboard has a 2 year warranty, so you may be able to do a warranty claim if it looks like it isn't abuse to them. Whenever you do get it fixed/replaced, please get a longer USB cable if that is why the port got damaged.