Oh god, the misinformation in this thread...
A 660 is underpowered, yes, but a 670 is only 5% less than a 680, for $100 less.
You do NOT want an IPS monitor if you're gaming - it's got a lot of input lag; they're only good for watching movies or doing editing, as they have near perfect color.
Don't waste money on a good sound card - unless it's over $150, the average person won't hear the difference between it and onboard sound. (Good speakers are worth it, though.)
OP... here's the deal. It takes 30 minutes of youtubing to learn how to make a computer, and about an hour and a half of work. And it's fun.
You'll get a WAY better computer with way better performance for cheaper. (Orposer is just wrong that it was more expensive on newegg - he certainly picked different parts. They couldn't make a profit, on top of labor, if it were.)