2003 vs XP


Jun 20, 2005
Can I do something to Windows 2003 so that some of my software could recognize it as Windows Xp? I’m asking because I found a few apps that don’t like to run on 2003. Thanks!
Like what?
Any software that runs on XP theoratically should run on 2003 fine.
The only exception is Kaspersky personal stuff and a few installation program that specificly checks for XP.

The compatibility stuff in Properties doesn't always work that well. 🙁
I’m sorry I can not give more examples. Recently, I needed to work with a program that is something like CAD; it help me draw and asses the necessary material in construction. It’s not too hard to use, but I couldn’t run it on 2003. It just popped a stupid message (I forgot what it said). When tried in a virtual machine with XP and later on a desktop with XP, it worked perfectly.
interesting thought. it would be nice to do something so that a program would recognize win 2003 as winxp or windows 2000 as winxp. most of the programs would work just fine. from what i know win2003 is far stable than winxp. m$ is known to forcefully disable suport for older software. for example office 2003 wants at least win2000.
in m$ acception disabling the soud service on server windows is called security. :) letting remote registry and other possibly lethal services started by defaul on desktops is called user friendliness.
CAD requires 3D support. Win2003 disables hardware acceleration(slider bar thingy) and D3D(through dxdiag) by default. You have to enable them manually yourself.
Thanks, but this is elementary. The problem is elsewhere!
i beleive that disbling theme service is a good decision. u know that a server must be fast, stable and secure. looking nice is not a priority. i would disable theme service too if i'd use win2003 server as real server and not as a desktop. i know people running linux just in text mode for performance reasons.