I’m sorry I can not give more examples. Recently, I needed to work with a program that is something like CAD; it help me draw and asses the necessary material in construction. It’s not too hard to use, but I couldn’t run it on 2003. It just popped a stupid message (I forgot what it said). When tried in a virtual machine with XP and later on a desktop with XP, it worked perfectly.Like what?
Any software that runs on XP theoratically should run on 2003 fine.
The only exception is Kaspersky personal stuff and a few installation program that specificly checks for XP.
The compatibility stuff in Properties doesn't always work that well. 🙁
Thanks, but this is elementary. The problem is elsewhere!CAD requires 3D support. Win2003 disables hardware acceleration(slider bar thingy) and D3D(through dxdiag) by default. You have to enable them manually yourself.