2005 Subaru Legacy No start

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Jan 24, 2019
So I had gotten in my car and pulled the car up in my driveway as I was getting it warmed up to go to school. I usually give the car a little rev so the heat will come quicker as I don't have too much time in the morning. Anyway after I revved it a tad the car sat and then just turned off. What followed was no noise but when attempting to turn the car on, it makes the very strange cranking sound that you will here in the video put onto this thread (the video takes a few seconds to start the noises at the start are the rain). Three people who are familiar with cars have no idea and claimed the cranking rhythm was very strange and had no idea what to do. It also seems I may have an antifreeze leak that may or may not have gone into the engine (unknown if it has at this time but the car never had any in it to my knowledge so maybe after putting some in a while back it somehow got into the engine). Anyway any help would be appreciated. Also the car really seems as if it wants to turn over and the alternator and starter both seem fine.[video="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X88z-R62QAQ"][/video]
The single most common wear damage issue with Subaru motors are that the head gaskets go bad. The resulting compression into the cooling system results in pressurized radiator/cooling systems which often present as what appears to be a leak.

In addition to that, these motors have a timing belt whose timely replacement is more important even than a Honda, and they are pretty important.

From what you are saying...I didn't copy/pasta your link to listen...I would be willing to chance that both of the above issues are what you have going on.
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