Question 2009 Mac Pro Tower — OS update issue

Dec 10, 2022
Hello all !

I want to start out by saying any help is appreciated here! I repair computers on a daily bases but I am not super familiar with the Macintosh side of things.

I have a customers computer that has a couple different problems. The first one is fixed which was some funny power management issue with the old power supply. Swapped it out, so the first problem is fixed.

Now the second problem. Keep in mind I don’t have another Mac computer to work with here being as I typically work with Windows computers. I press the power button, and the Mac OS starts into what looks like an update (loading screen with apple logo.) The customer doesn’t recall starting a Mac OS update on their otherwise obsolete system. Although she did mention it kept asking her to update. As soon as the progress bar gets to a certain point, about 3/4 the way done. The monitor goes to sleep or into standby mode. I’ve done this several times and determined it’s the exact same spot where the monitor cuts off each time. What it looks like to me is, a macOS update taking place that isn’t compatible since the monitor is shutting off.

So, my question is, how do I revert back prior to this update? Every time the computer turns on, it goes to this progress bar until the monitor eventually turns off. A step guide would be great, so I can get this thing out and move onto something I’m more familiar with. Any help or guidance is appreciated!!
I believe it’s A1289 from 2009 . Is it possible to keep her data with the fresh install? Also the link doesn’t seem to be working, takes me to iPhone 14pro page.
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I believe it’s A1289 from 2009 . Is it possible to keep her data with the fresh install? Also the link doesn’t seem to be working, takes me to iPhone 14pro page.
That is odd, did same to me. When I went back a second time, it went to intended page:

When you perform these steps, what options are you presented (on the Mac)?

Turn on your Mac and immediately press and hold Command (⌘)-R until you see an Apple logo or other image.
I’ll try the link from a computer this afternoon and get back with around 1p central time. Thank you for the help.

Im a bit concerned, due to it booting to the updating progress bar apple logo. (Before the monitor turns off) I haven’t had any luck with different key combinations working.. but I’ll give it another go around when I circle back.
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Command+R or Alt+R on my keyboard doesn't work due to it booting to the updating screen. I'm downloading El Capitan right now as I type this. I will follow the directions on the website (that's working now) and report back with options it gives me. Its pretty important here that I keep her data due to death certificates, and a few other important documents, So I can't risk losing her data.
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Man, I think its just one of those days where nothing goes right. I screwed up 2 flash drives (I think they have bad sectors) so therefore sys geek ultra burn isn't working. Now im getting the iPhone 14 link again. Maybe i should just try again tomorrow. 😕
You guys are going to laugh when you here what the problem actually was.

I was connecting the monitor via DVI. I ended up getting a Thunderbolt Display as well as a Cinema display, so I got the idea. "why don't I connect this via thunderbolt." Sure enough, as soon as it's connected via thunderbolt (mini-display) The monitor doesn't shut off & everything functions normally. The other issue must be corrupt DVI drivers. That was a wild ride, but I learned an awful lot about the Macintosh side of things.

Til next time.
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