200mm and/or 120mm to cool GPU


Nov 10, 2015
Hello people! I'm looking for some fan either 120/140/200 to put in my case Thermaltake Chaser MK-I and have better airflow, especially for my GPU. Right now I have 3 Thermaltake Pure. One on top exhaust fan 200mm, another in the rear 140mm exhaust fan, and one in the front 200mm intake fan. The question is ... now could put additional:

1 Top 200 mm
1 Side 200mm
1 below 120mm

I dont know with which i´ll have better airflow. and get lower temps to my GPU 980ti G1. You can check this picture of the different fan config to my case :

I dont have budget limit, I want high performance, with no more than 25-28 dBa if is possible...and thats all 😀 Ty guys!

Thanks: 3
Yes adding a 200mm fan on the side as intake will help your gpu temps a lot. You could add all 3 if you wish. You don't really NEED 6 fans though.