Hello, i live in a country that doesn't really feature much choice when it comes to graphics cards i can get new (and used is dangerous). It is a country that is also mighty impoverished and anything upwards to 150$ is likely to be at least 70% of a paycheck, and just so happens to be the price of any decent low-end G-Card on the market. Me spending any kind of money on tech that won't work would be disastrous, so, i ask, which 2015/16/17 graphics cards are notable for their compatibility with older hardware/ legacy bios/ older motherboards/ older CPU.
When i say old, i mean 2011, since that's how old my BIOS is.
If any info is needed, please ask
When i say old, i mean 2011, since that's how old my BIOS is.
If any info is needed, please ask