Good evening! I've been out of the PC building scene for quite some time (approximately 10 yrs or so). Recently my wife expressed a desire to have a decent budget gaming PC that she can play Sims 4 and a few other indie titles on. She gave me a budget of $400-$500. I know the games she plays aren't terribly hard on GPU's. My question is this. I've been researching my options and have stumbled across several articles promoting AMD's new line of APU Ryzen processors that have pretty robust integrated graphics. What would you guys suggest? I've looked around at some builds on Ebay as well and for about the same price point I could probably land a system running an i3 processor, 8gb of ram, and an Nvidia GTX 1050 GPU. What are the pros and cons of each setup and which one would offer the best upgradability going forward. She's been gaming on a MacBook Pro from 2012 that has an early generation i7 processor, so it's time for an upgrade. Thanks for the help guys!