g00ey :
I'd assume that what "everyone" hated was to have to maintain software (i.e. games) for very different architectures.
I'm curious how you got from developers hating Cell programming, to game companies preferring not to support different platforms, and why they would then single out the PS3 for criticism, when this problem was hardly new. This requires several conceptual leaps from my original statement, as well as assuming I have even more ignorance of the matter than you've demonstrated. I could say I'm insulted, but really I'm just annoyed.
No, you're way off base. Cell was painful to program, because the real horsepower is in the vector cores (so-called PPEs), but they don't have random access to memory. Instead, they have only a tiny bit of scratch pad RAM, and must DMA everything back and forth from main memory (or their neighbors). This means virtually all software for it must be effectively written from scratch and tuned to queue up work efficiently, so that the vector cores don't waste loads of time doing nothing while data is being copied around. Worse yet, many algorithms inherently depend on random access and perform poorly on such an architecture.
In terms of programming difficulty, the gap in complexity between it and multi-threaded programming is at least as big as that separating single-threaded and multi-threaded programming. And that assumes you're starting from a blank slate - not trying to port existing software to it. I think it's safe to say it's even harder than GPU programming, once you account for performance tuning.
Architectures like this are good at DSP, dense linear algebra, and not a whole lot else. The main reason they were able to make it work in a games console is because most game engines really aren't that different from each other and share common, underlying libraries. And as game engines and libraries became better tuned for it, the quality of PS3 games improved noticeably. But HPC is a different beast, which is probably why IBM never tried to follow it with any successors.
g00ey :
In the heydays of PowerPC, developers liked it better than the Intel architecture, particularly assembler developers. Today, it may not have that "fancy" stuff such as AVX, SSE etc but it probably is quite capable for computations. Benchmarks should be able to give some indications...
I'm not even sure what you're talking about, but I'd just point out that both Cell and the XBox 360's CPUs were derived from Power PC. And PPC
did have AltiVec, which had some advantages over MMX & SSE.