24/7 OC or not?


Jan 4, 2013
I have a Ryzen 5 2600x. I've been keeping it at 4.1ghz @ 1.375V completely stable and 66C max when doing heavy benchmarks like Cinebench. I was wondering if it truly is ok for me to keep my current settings 24/7? Or should I turn on global c-state so that it downclocks itself? Should I just set it to AUTO under voltage and ghz speed settings too?
If your processor is running stable with acceptable temps then leave it at that speed until its not stable anymore.
Processors can run years with an OC before showing any instability.
the harder and faster you run it the faster it will wear out. for me OC is really silly. if you want faster hardware then buy that. taking a mid level box and trying to wring gaming box numbers is a just a huge waste of time and energy, both yours and the electricity you are wasting on OC and all your testing instead of using the computer for work or to have fun gaming.

for you, if you need gaming? then get the FASTEST dual channel DRAMS you can for your Ryzen and couple it with an real high end video card. No OC required.
I tried the auto with xfr and precision boost on. It wanted to keep the cpu constantly at 1.4-1.425V non stop with the freq only at around 4150-4180 with temps reaching 50C during normal desktop use. Yeah I'm just gonna keep it on the manual OC...