Hi all
I've been cleaning up around here lately, trying to get rid of stuff that's just laying around, etc.
I stumbled across a broken monitor today that I purchased off NewEgg about 5 years ago (https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824005285).
Roughly 2 years ago, it stopped working so I just set it aside.
It powers on for a brief second, flashes the LG logo, then turns itself off. Repeat.
Happens even when it isn't hooked up to a PC.
There's also a low level hiss / squeal like sound coming out from where the power cable is plugged in.
Is this monitor completely dead? Could it be the power cable? Blown Capacitors? Should I toss it, or is it repairable?
I've been cleaning up around here lately, trying to get rid of stuff that's just laying around, etc.
I stumbled across a broken monitor today that I purchased off NewEgg about 5 years ago (https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824005285).
Roughly 2 years ago, it stopped working so I just set it aside.
It powers on for a brief second, flashes the LG logo, then turns itself off. Repeat.
Happens even when it isn't hooked up to a PC.
There's also a low level hiss / squeal like sound coming out from where the power cable is plugged in.
Is this monitor completely dead? Could it be the power cable? Blown Capacitors? Should I toss it, or is it repairable?