24* LG E2442V-BN monitor won't stay on


Oct 14, 2012
Hi all
I've been cleaning up around here lately, trying to get rid of stuff that's just laying around, etc.
I stumbled across a broken monitor today that I purchased off NewEgg about 5 years ago (https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824005285).
Roughly 2 years ago, it stopped working so I just set it aside.
It powers on for a brief second, flashes the LG logo, then turns itself off. Repeat.
Happens even when it isn't hooked up to a PC.
There's also a low level hiss / squeal like sound coming out from where the power cable is plugged in.
Is this monitor completely dead? Could it be the power cable? Blown Capacitors? Should I toss it, or is it repairable?

you could open the back panel and see if you could find where the noise come from but it will cost more to repair then getting a new faster one in time response .