[SOLVED] 240 hz monitor problem

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Apr 4, 2018
i bought it like 1 week ago the game is so smoth but i have some probelm in cs go when they peek me its so mutch fast i cant react ive ben better in my old monitor 75hz lul im so angry like <ModEdit>240 hz and 1ms respons times i cant do better than 75hz <ModEdit>


i have alienware 25 ,240 hz 1ms
gtx 1050
i5 gen 3
200-300 fps and the cable i have the new hdmi that suports 240 hz

no i have 240 hz all fine gamme is so smoth but i have problems with faster sein enemy i used to do better with my viewsonic 75 hz and this alien ware don have dp only dvi and 2 hdmi but my hdmi is fine just fine it suports 240hz its new one but idk if dvi will do better with ms cuz shen i test in https://www.testufo.com/mprt its shows only 3.8 ms
Is your monitor not the one I linked?
That's the only 240Hz Alienware 25 I'm aware of?
That monitor is not physically capable of 240Hz over HDMI.

What is your refresh rate showing in the Nvidia control panel?

I fully expect it to be 60Hz, which would explain why it feels worse than your old 75Hz ViewSonic.

in n vidia shows 144 to 240 hz only two options but is not hz the problem the problem is the ms when i test it ti shows me 3.8 and when enemy peeks me is so fast i cant resp they always shoot first some of them mostly even if im holdin the angel, i have to buy one dvi so i can test with maybe it will work ,but ty anyway

There is a FreeSync version (AW2518HF), which can do 240 Hz over HDMI, and a G-Sync version (AW2518H) which is limited to 60 Hz over HDMI like all G-Sync monitors.

It's hard to understand the post, but from what I gather, his monitor is correctly operating at 240 Hz, he's just upset because he isn't playing any better than with his old monitor.

well im good in cs in any cs i playd alot of torunaments in 1.6 also in csgo won some lan and online but is not that im not good its about my ms i dont se any defernec in ms when they peek me or its worst i cant react that fast just cheek this one https://www.testufo.com/mprt it shows onley 3,8 ms which should be 1ms or lower campare with some other results frome my freinds i asked them to they all have under 1ms and that how it supost to be but im gona try the display port may it worl probably or im gona return it

Response time does not affect latency/delay or your reaction time, and even if it did, a few milliseconds is a negligible amount.

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