2400 MHz RAM running at 1333 MHz


Mar 18, 2014
I just build myself a computer. I have I5 3570, 2400MHz HyperX RAM and MSI Z77A-G43. I know i cant get 2400MHz frequency running with this CPU but im wondering why its only running at 1333 MHz and not at 1600MHz. I never overclocked my PC cuz im afraid of destroying CPU or other components but im wondering how could i rn my RAM at 1600 MHz?

BTW I have 550W power supply but i only have 4-ping ATX connector on motherboard instead of 8-pin. I red that its okay as long CPU uses less than 120W. Mine uses 77W
Check your motherboard manual or specifications in ram speeds. If it has (OC) beside the frequency just means you need to enable XMP in the bios. The frequencies without the (OC) beside it are native and will work as described without using XMP.
James Mason
I bought that ram and motherboard because i may overclock it one day. The thing is that why is 2400MHz RAM only runing at 1333 when it could at 1600. I tried to change XMP but i only have 2 profiles. profile 1- 2400 MHz and Profile 2 - 2133 MHz. I saw i can change at what frequency i want to run my RAM but do i need to change something else too? like voltage or something?

You don't buy 2400mhz ram to overclock it, you buy it to run it at the speed.

You can overclock 1600mhz ram though.

OFC. But you need to overclock CPU if u want to run RAM with that frequency if im correct. I only bought it cuz it was like $10 more expensive than 1600 and i liked the numbers 😀 But NWM bumnut53 had the right answer.
Thanks all for help