Question 240hz monitor but only getting 180 FPS

Jul 26, 2022
Have question about why am I only getting 180 FPS when my monitor is 240hz? When I am in the menus or loading screen of game I have 240 FPS but as soon as game starts FPS drops down to 170-180

I monitor CPU and GPU usage while I'm in game and the CPU is always 20% to 30% usage and GPU is always 40% to 55% usage? What am I missing? It's not framerate cap or setting because I have 240 fps before the game starts. The game is not even stressing either one so why am I not getting 240 fps? I did CPU and memory stress test and passed them both and CPU was 100% usage for 30 minutes in XTU and it said system is excellent. Tested GPU in 3DMARK timespy and said score was above average. GPU is 8GB VRAM and game only uses 3GB

I will post the results from stress tests and maybe someone can spot something wrong. I passed the memory test also but it kept saying "CPU Power Throttled "not sure what that means or if it is normal. Ram has 12 GB free space and speed for ram is set to 2667Mhz because it says the I7 9700k is most efficient with 2667Mhz memory speed. Also everything is stock with no OC. The CPU temp in game never goes over 72deg and GPU never goes over 58deg

I7 9700k
RTX 3070
2x8GB RAM 2667Mhz
Seasonic Focus gold 750 watt PSU





What game?

Fps is determined by cpu, ram and game engine not refresh rate. Gpu just renders what the combination of the three is able to give it and screen displays the amount of frames gpu is able to push out. Faster ram can help push cpu cycles faster and inturn dish out more frames for gpu to render. Over 8 cores, the load is spread so seeing low usage is not an accurate representation of what the cpu is actually doing.

Menu in games is obviously less taxing so you would see more frames there. Different story playing when there's a lot more involved.

Then there's different game engines and how they prioritise frame rates also and not every game performs the same. Some less fps, some more.

Gpu driver revisions can make a difference if there's an issue there with some games.
Jul 26, 2022
What game?

Fps is determined by cpu, ram and game engine not refresh rate. Gpu just renders what the combination of the three is able to give it and screen displays the amount of frames gpu is able to push out. Faster ram can help push cpu cycles faster and inturn dish out more frames for gpu to render. Over 8 cores, the load is spread so seeing low usage is not an accurate representation of what the cpu is actually doing.

The game is Destiny 2. It is made by bungie and one of the most popular games out so I wouldn't think they have bootleg game engines. Every search I looked at said it's GPU heavy game. Will post article below:

Compared to many games, Destiny 2 exhibits excellent multi-core/multi-thread CPU utilization, as well as excellent customization for GPU-intensive features. Although the CPU load is well-spread between the cores, Destiny 2 still depends more on the GPU.

Does that mean I need to overclock my GPU? It never gets above 55% usage or 60 degrees though. I have all the power modes set to high performance ,shut off all non- essential background apps, and have all in game settings to low or lowest. As far as CPU I don't know much accept that it gives me good score on tests. I could try overclocking CPU, from what I researched the "K" series is specifically made to overclock but half the people I saw that overclocked the I7 9700k said CPU works great but it ended up eventually frying motherboard.

Its not big deal its just annoying because I swapped from 1440p 144hz monitor to 1080p 240hz just to get the extra 100 fps but it stays between 165-180. So I basically just paid $350 on new monitor only to get extra 20-35 more fps. Also I never liked the 1440p monitor so always wanted to swap anyway. It was 27 inch and way to big. The 1080p monitor is 24 inches and it's perfect
The game is Destiny 2. It is made by bungie and one of the most popular games out so I wouldn't think they have bootleg game engines. Every search I looked at said it's GPU heavy game. Will post article below:

Compared to many games, Destiny 2 exhibits excellent multi-core/multi-thread CPU utilization, as well as excellent customization for GPU-intensive features. Although the CPU load is well-spread between the cores, Destiny 2 still depends more on the GPU.

Does that mean I need to overclock my GPU? It never gets above 55% usage or 60 degrees though. I have all the power modes set to high performance ,shut off all non- essential background apps, and have all in game settings to low or lowest. As far as CPU I don't know much accept that it gives me good score on tests. I could try overclocking CPU, from what I researched the "K" series is specifically made to overclock but half the people I saw that overclocked the I7 9700k said CPU works great but it ended up eventually frying motherboard.

Its not big deal its just annoying because I swapped from 1440p 144hz monitor to 1080p 240hz just to get the extra 100 fps but it stays between 165-180. So I basically just paid $350 on new monitor only to get extra 20-35 more fps. Also I never liked the 1440p monitor so always wanted to swap anyway. It was 27 inch and way to big. The 1080p monitor is 24 inches and it's perfect


The game is Destiny 2. It is made by bungie and one of the most popular games out so I wouldn't think they have bootleg game engines. Every search I looked at said it's GPU heavy game. Will post article below:

Compared to many games, Destiny 2 exhibits excellent multi-core/multi-thread CPU utilization, as well as excellent customization for GPU-intensive features. Although the CPU load is well-spread between the cores, Destiny 2 still depends more on the GPU.

Does that mean I need to overclock my GPU? It never gets above 55% usage or 60 degrees though. I have all the power modes set to high performance ,shut off all non- essential background apps, and have all in game settings to low or lowest. As far as CPU I don't know much accept that it gives me good score on tests. I could try overclocking CPU, from what I researched the "K" series is specifically made to overclock but half the people I saw that overclocked the I7 9700k said CPU works great but it ended up eventually frying motherboard.

Its not big deal its just annoying because I swapped from 1440p 144hz monitor to 1080p 240hz just to get the extra 100 fps but it stays between 165-180. So I basically just paid $350 on new monitor only to get extra 20-35 more fps. Also I never liked the 1440p monitor so always wanted to swap anyway. It was 27 inch and way to big. The 1080p monitor is 24 inches and it's perfect

I get the last part about expecting more. Overclocking gpu might help but usually doesn't really improve that much, maybe 10fps. But that's if cpu is capable to begin with in the game in question. 240fps is quite a lot and that demands much from a cpu to push that amount, especially when game can already be somewhat cpu intensive.

Have you tried other games? Perhaps Doom Eternal, to see where your fps is like?
Jul 26, 2022
Have you tried other games? Perhaps Doom Eternal, to see where your fps is like?

I mainly just play destiny 2. I buy the main title games ( Halo infinite ,Call of Duty) when they release and try them out but get dis-interested quick. I usually find game I like then stick with it for awhile. Been stuck on destiny for last 5 or 6 years, don't really have interest in other games.

I have seen some threads online saying that some systems are to OP for 1080p and you will lose fps at 1080p. I don't see how that works but I do use lowest settings, guess I could set them to highest and see what happens with fps. I don't feel like i7 9700k and RTX 3070 is op though. More like a solid midlevel. I don't have clue about AMD I always read they are bad so just avoided them. I know they compete with Nvidia so doubt they could be that bad.
Jul 26, 2022
I suggest watching this start to finish. It'll give you some idea what the cpu is responsible for and where the gpu comes into it.

That's good video. Now I see what you were saying about the usage rate. I never actually monitor CPU in game like I do GPU. I alt tab into task manager to check CPU. I have on screen overlay for GPU. Do you know good over lay I could use for CPU in game?
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Yeah sure thing. Video uses Msi Afterburner, it's quite simple to setup. Here's a video.

It can monitor most things on screen. To monitor cpu usage as a whole, select the cpu function without a number. You'll have multiple cpu fields labelled from 0 (0 is first core) to whatever number representing each core or thread if cpu had hyperthreading to monitor each separately. The cpu without number is combined usage.

If cpu is maxed out, faster ram can help with that. Or settle with what you have for now and upgrade to 13th gen.
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Jul 26, 2022
I always thought GPU was for gaming and CPU was mainly for desktop stuff. I knew they worked together in games but didn't know it was that important so I figured that's why the usage rate was so low. CPU and motherboard will be next on the list next time upgrade season comes around.

Funny thing is I came to pc a few years ago because I couldn't deal with the 30 FPS console games anymore and long loading times and now I'm complaining that I'm only getting 180 fps. PC gaming is addicting and just being able to upgrade stuff anytime is nice. Just takes time to master everything, I'm coming along slowly but surely.
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Jul 26, 2022
What game?

Fps is determined by cpu, ram and game engine not refresh rate.

Then there's different game engines and how they prioritize frame rates also and not every game performs the same. Some less fps, some more.

I think your right about the game engines. I did controlled fps test in game and was staying at 187-192fps. Tested 3DMark timespy and scored 12,350.
Then I did some small overclocks to CPU and GPU. Changed CPU from 3.6 Ghz to 4.0 and used auto overclock curve for GPU that Precision X1 gives you.
I overclocked GPU +130 clock speed and +200 memory speed. Went back to 3DMark timespy and scored 12, 830.

It was small overclocks but scored almost 500 better so I know it at least helped some, but I went back into game and did same controlled test with the OC settings and got the exact same fps. 187-192. Also tested a couple other things. Changed all game settings to high and instantly went down to 165 fps then went back to low and back up to 190fps.

Also tried lowest resolution it would go to 1280x720 and fps didn't change so it seems like there is just limit that game will handle. I checked framerate cap in the actual game file in C:/drive and was set to 240 just like I have it in game. So I think it has to be the game engine you were talking about.. I used OS overlay and CPU and GPU usage were both staying around 50% usage with low temps.

I could build new $10,000 pc and still wouldn't get more fps for this game. That is actually good, now I can be satisfied and not have to be asking myself if I should upgrade.
Jul 26, 2022
I'm not sure this is true. I'm thinking if you built a system with the fastest hardware currently available you would get more fps in this game.

That's why I did the tests. I overclocked CPU and GPU and it stayed the exact same fps. Wouldn't go over 192 in the game but it went up 500 points in 3d mark with the overclocks so it has to be the game. Overclocked CPU,GPU and lowered resolution and not 1 fps gain in game. In game test CPU usage and GPU usage are both in between 45%-55% with low temps, GPU 59deg and CPU 68deg, they are barely being used that's why I'm not getting frames because game wont let them.

When I do GPU,CPU, and memory tests they instantly go to 100% usage and stay there for the whole test but don't go over 55% usage in game. I looked and I see people online saying Destiny 2 has bad optimization and uses old codes and no DLSS so maybe the games just sh..t as far shooting for 240 fps. If I got the best Motherboard, Memory, CPU and a 3090TI nothing would change, that's my conclusion anyway.
That's why I did the tests. I overclocked CPU and GPU and it stayed the exact same fps. Wouldn't go over 192 in the game but it went up 500 points in 3d mark with the overclocks so it has to be the game. Overclocked CPU,GPU and lowered resolution and not 1 fps gain in game. In game test CPU usage and GPU usage are both in between 45%-55% with low temps, GPU 59deg and CPU 68deg, they are barely being used that's why I'm not getting frames because game wont let them.

When I do GPU,CPU, and memory tests they instantly go to 100% usage and stay there for the whole test but don't go over 55% usage in game. I looked and I see people online saying Destiny 2 has bad optimization and uses old codes and no DLSS so maybe the games just sh..t as far shooting for 240 fps. If I got the best Motherboard, Memory, CPU and a 3090TI nothing would change, that's my conclusion anyway.
You placing far too much weight on the CPU usage percentage. Just because the CPU usage while running the game doesn't go over 55% does not mean that a newer, more performant CPU would not increase the fps for this game. It means that the game uses less cores/threads than your current CPU has, this is typical for games as they are inherently single-threaded in nature due to stuff having to happen in the correct order.


Faster CPU and faster GPU will give you higher FPS, but only to a certain amount.

Look at following review.,1.html

It is bad programmed, but it is a good and very negative sample.

You will see, that even with the fastest combination you might not even reach 100 FPS, and it has absolutely nothing to do with refresh-rate.

Could be, with the upcoming new CPU- and GPU-generation the FS might reach 100 FPS.

Even with a hypothetical 1000 Hz-refreshrate or simply switching off vsync in game no chance today.

And there are some other games, which are not as bad as the FS, but with low FPS,too.
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You have a Lamborghini. It'll do 300mph. Get out on the freeway, there's traffic, cops, speed limits. What makes you think that just because you have a 300mph car, it'll actually be able to do 300mph?

Loading screens are 2D animation, pictures. Of course you'll see 240fps. Games are 3D, fps will drop as a result of the load on the cpu and gpu.

Frequency and refresh rate of the monitor has absolutely nothing to do with the capabilities of the cpu and gpu, or every person on a plasma TV would expect to be getting 600fps, since the refresh rate of plasmas is 600Hz.
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Jul 26, 2022
I'm not sure this is true. I'm thinking if you built a system with the fastest hardware currently available you would get more fps in this game.

I found what's holding me back. The only thing I didn't overclock in the game test was the Memory (RAM). Because it was already overclocked from 2667Mhz to 3000Mhz.
I took it back off xmp profile to default 2667Mhz and did the same test in game and fps dropped to 175-179. Changed it back to xmp 3000Mhz and it went straight back up to 187-192fps.

I don't know much about memory, I looked and the recommended max RAM speed for the i7 9700k is 2667Mhz. So it was already maxed + it's overclocked to 3000Mhz. Just the 330 Mhz memory bump was giving me 10-12 fps. So I stand corrected, Pretty sure if I got newer CPU that could run faster RAM speeds I would get instant fps gains. At least I know now, will have to put cpu, ram, and motherboard on the upgrade list
I found what's holding me back. The only thing I didn't overclock in the game test was the Memory (RAM). Because it was already overclocked from 2667Mhz to 3000Mhz.
I took it back off xmp profile to default 2667Mhz and did the same test in game and fps dropped to 175-179. Changed it back to xmp 3000Mhz and it went straight back up to 187-192fps.

I don't know much about memory, I looked and the recommended max RAM speed for the i7 9700k is 2667Mhz. So it was already maxed + it's overclocked to 3000Mhz. Just the 330 Mhz memory bump was giving me 10-12 fps. So I stand corrected, Pretty sure if I got newer CPU that could run faster RAM speeds I would get instant fps gains. At least I know now, will have to put cpu, ram, and motherboard on the upgrade list
There isn't many benchmarks online with modern hardware for Destiny 2 but I did find something on Reddit.

They claim to have benchmarked the game at 289 fps using Windows 10 64-bit Pro Edition at 1920×1080, 2560×1440 and at 3840×2160 using Intel’s Core i9-10900K at 5.1/5.0 GHz and 32GB of T-FORCE DARK Z 3600MHz DDR4 with an RTX 3080