240hz not Displaying

Aug 15, 2018
I purchashed an Alienware 240hz monitor AW2518H but I'm unable to have it display the refresh rate of 240hz. The most I can set it to is 200hz. My GPU is Nvida Ge Force GTX 760 ti OEM. https://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-760ti-oem/specifications
Which I think should be able to handle 240hz but is stuck at 200hz. I was on the phone with a dell rep for over an hour and he tried everything and couldn't figure it out. Any help is appreciated.

NVIDIA Kepler cards are limited to 540 Mpx/s, which means a max of 200 Hz at 1080p. This is a hardware limitation of the graphics card.


Hmm so when I go to create a custom resolution I see that the actual 540 Mpx/s max's out at 228 Hz. Should I not be able to set it at let's say 220hz up to a max of 228hz?

At 227hz I'm at 538 Mpx/s at 228hz im at 540.6336 mhz.

Yes, you should be able to set custom resolutions like that.

The options that appear in Windows by default are only what the monitor manufacturer has provided in a list of standard formats that the monitor transmits. The OS doesn't autodetect the "absolute maximum" that the hardware is capable of.