24gb of unbuffered ram?


Jan 24, 2017
this is a weird question but im not a know-it-all when it comes to memory. I build many computers, i sell many computers. But what im gonna do seems kinda weird to me...
Im getting the MSI Z170 PC mate (https://www.amazon.com/MSI-Solution-Z170A-Motherboard-SLI/dp/B0131GA4VE/ref=s9u_cartx_gw_i1?_encoding=UTF8&fpl=fresh&pd_rd_i=B01DDR05P6&pd_rd_r=2JS25CZBZAPMW42XDHP0&pd_rd_w=cXWBQ&pd_rd_wg=pGu28&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=&pf_rd_r=NA0HEYABQC4P0KMVKQK1&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=1cf9d009-399c-49e1-901a-7b8786e59436&pf_rd_i=desktop&th=1) and crucial unbuffered DDR4 ram (https://www.amazon.com/Crucial-PC4-17000-Unbuffered-288-Pin-CT4G4DFS8213/dp/B00MMLUYPQ?psc=1&SubscriptionId=AKIAJ4AK2H6SGGIY7SXQ&tag=hawk-future-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B00MMLUYPQ&ascsubtag=pcg-1762281052-20) and i only want to get 4gb for the time being. Only $27, not expensive at all. then i want to add another 4gb next paycheck. But then i want to max it out, buying a 16 gb kit of 2 8GB. How would that work out? 4gb x 4gb x 8gb x 8gb, would it still run good or have issues? Ive only ever seen people build with 8, 16, or 32 but never in between, is there any reason why for that?
(i just want to max it out for the heck of it, i know theres gonna be people who want to say "8 gb is perfect for anything" or "16 is a fine max" )
Remember you're likely adding to the SHIPPING COSTS as well, but yes it SHOULD work.

I do however, strongly recommend buying in kits, such as 2x8GB and use identical sticks. Many times you can mix and things are fine, but sometimes you get issues and the WORST ones are when things seem okay, even pass MEMTEST but they aren't and end up CORRUPTING data which goes on for months with confusing errors which again you may not think is memory due to MEMTEST.

If you're that tight, here's my advice:

1) buy 1x4GB, then
2) buy 2x8GB, and put the 4GB stick in an anti-static bag or just sell it.

As for the "need 16GB yadayad" only YOU can know that but unless you need more than 16GB (which is rare) why even put yourself in the position of...
There's no inherent reason 24 GB wouldn't work. It's just that if you start mixing and matching RAM kits they're not guaranteed to work together. I can only imagine mixing three kits just increases the odds of something not working. That's the reason you don't often see people with 24 GB of RAM.

Honestly, if you're so strapped for cash that you need to wait until your next paycheck to afford an extra $27 worth of RAM, I can't fathom why you'd want to max it out "for the heck of it". The most sensible option would be to just get 2x8 GB and call it a day, but if you really want 24 GB I think you'd be at least a little better off getting one 2x4 kit and one 2x8 kit, preferably the same brand and same timings.
Remember you're likely adding to the SHIPPING COSTS as well, but yes it SHOULD work.

I do however, strongly recommend buying in kits, such as 2x8GB and use identical sticks. Many times you can mix and things are fine, but sometimes you get issues and the WORST ones are when things seem okay, even pass MEMTEST but they aren't and end up CORRUPTING data which goes on for months with confusing errors which again you may not think is memory due to MEMTEST.

If you're that tight, here's my advice:

1) buy 1x4GB, then
2) buy 2x8GB, and put the 4GB stick in an anti-static bag or just sell it.

As for the "need 16GB yadayad" only YOU can know that but unless you need more than 16GB (which is rare) why even put yourself in the position of mixing sticks?

And if you think I'm a poo-poo head at the very least use the EXACT same frequency, CAS, and SERIES from the same company.

*XMP is the ideal (IMO) BIOS setting to setup the optimal memory profile but it doesn't work if the SPD value isn't identical. That requires the same SPD for every single stick. Probably only on IDENTICAL sticks.

I even used the EXACT same model (same model number, looks the same) of stick (DDR3 1866MHz Corsair.. ) but bought a year apart and had issues. Yep. There were a couple timing changes (no idea why they'd do that, but the memory companies themselves recommend you buy a SINGLE KIT, not even two kits bought at the same time.)

Stop that nonsense.

Wait until you have enough money saved to buy a 16GiB kit and purchase another 16GiB kit down the road if you so desire.