2500k bsod 0124 after a long time stable?


Dec 20, 2011
I overclocked my cpu quite a while ago it passed prime 95 stress testing cores never went above 65c package never over 70
its a 2500k no need to go into full specs. i have my multiplier on 45 speed step spectrum disabled so my bus speed is 100mhz i have my vdroop set on level 3 (for asrock users ) offset voltage was on -.015v for a while but i got a bsod and jumped it up to -0.10v was stable for a long time in game stress testing all that. than randomly yesterday i bsod'ed with a 0124 i though it was just a one time thing but than today i bsod'ed same code one time than i started to worry so i reset went to open chrome and a minute after the first bsod today and boom another bsod all the same code 0124. my max vcore according to hwmonitor i have ever seen is 1.32v and usually i idle at 1600 mhz 0.9v ish. ive read all sorts of possibility's but this is just odd to me i was stable for so long than all of a sudden bsod after bsod
Last week through Monday, I experienced a few too many BSODs. I did extensive troubleshooting and I think I finally solved the issue on Monday because it hasn't BSOD'ed for three days now.

I would annoyingly get the BSOD within minutes or under two hours after each crash incident.

What was BSOD'ing my PC were driver issues... a USB 3.0 controller driver and HDD driver. I suggest you try installing updates (both Windows and Device Drivers).
i know this sounds like a stupid question but how would i go about uninstalling drivers?(never been much on software) the only thing ive installed recently drivers/anything is a driver for a usb 2.0 camera
well, my guess is that prolly you should redo your OC. Meaning, try set it at a stock clock, and then, build from there, maybe 200-300mhz per step up. After that, try to settle with the most stablest OC at maybe 4.2~4.3 ghz, it's 200~300 less than your current OC, but hey, at least im trying to save you from bsod so much...