2500k to 2600k, worth it?


Apr 19, 2017
Hi folks. I have a 2500k and was looking for a cheap upgrade. My CPU is fine but only if I have VSYNC enabled.

I play BF1, WoW, Siege and those types of games but if I don't use Vsync it stutters a lot. I could get a used 2600k for 100~ and offset the rest by selling the 2500k

Here's my build:


Just looking for advice in case I have too much expectations.
Overclock what you have. A 2500k will do 4-4.5ghz easily. 4.0 can be done with just a multiplier bump to 40. Might want to upgrade your graphics drivers, if you haven't done that in awhile. AMD has made some improvements since the release of the 470/480. I would recommend a better quality power supply before you overclock though. That HEC built Evga 600b is not all that great. Replace it with a Seasonic 620w+, a Corsair CX650m, or an Evga B2/G2 model.
Not worth it, you are better off overclocking the CPU, you have a K model, so if you are not, may as well. If you have a good cooler. Save the money and upgrade to a newer platform at some point, you have a decent video card but your CPU is several generations old.
As you're on a Z77 chipset, the 2600K wouldn't be the best option in terms of an upgrade path. You could always go with a 3770K however, as stated above, your 2500k has mad overclocking potential and I'd recommend overlocking it as high as possible more than anything. Just remember, it's free performance :)
Overclock what you have. A 2500k will do 4-4.5ghz easily. 4.0 can be done with just a multiplier bump to 40. Might want to upgrade your graphics drivers, if you haven't done that in awhile. AMD has made some improvements since the release of the 470/480. I would recommend a better quality power supply before you overclock though. That HEC built Evga 600b is not all that great. Replace it with a Seasonic 620w+, a Corsair CX650m, or an Evga B2/G2 model.

I second this. If you're looking for something to upgrade, start with the PSU.
ok you could ponder what to do with $100 or so for now, or you could save up that money for your next new computer. Truth is, your desktop 2500k is as fast or faster than many other laptop CPUs. The 2500k is probably ~20% slower than the current 7th gen i5 processors in regards to gaming. Anyways, smart people save money. One of my relatives makes over a million a year, yet he spends his money very frugal. That's the key to his success. His advice sticks to me still until this day, "buy only what you need, save for the rainy days."

If you save $100 each month, at the end of the year, you save over $1000 which can be used to build an entirely new computer or a gtx 1080 ti lmao. No but seriously, a modern gaming CPU can cost $250 (sweet spot) to $340 (high end i7). Not worth paying $100 for an outdated platform. Much better to work and save.
I just did this upgrade, and to be honest it is worth it. The 2600K kills the 2500K in all areas where open world games are concerned for the most part. It really gives me the extra edge I need, and I paid 140 for one shipped. Not a big deal at all. The 3770 is around 200 bucks for almost no extra benefit.

Everyone talks about the overclocking, but that isn't why the 2600K is better. It's just a more capable CPU period, and your average FPS are far ahead in demanding games like Watch Dogs 2 and Witcher 3.