250w PSU help


Sep 9, 2013
Ok so im trying to understand how my PSU works so i can upgrade my video card. Currently im using a 8400gs with no problems.
this is what is on the side of my PSU
output +12v / 14a -12v
+5v / 25a +5vsb
+3.3v / 18a
+5v & 3.3v 165w max +5v & +12v 218w max

So from reading i think the cpu and gpu use +12v and 14a = 140w. If thats true and my cpu is using 65 that leaves me with 75 for the gpu right? Thanks for the help in advance

Roughly speaking, yes. I don't know what CPU you have, so I can't verify your math. The 8400GS is a 40W (3.3A) card. But basically any card that doesn't need a PSU power cable, will be OK. The HD 7750 is a 55W (4.6A) card at max and should be about the max I'd trust with that PSU.

im using a athlon x2 4800+

it it necessary for those cards? this is a really old computer and dont want to spend to much when im going to end up buying a whole new computer soon. Just need something to last a few more months.
The Athlon 64 X2 4800+ is a 110W (9.2A @ +12V) device. So maxed out, it and the the GT 240 (70W/5.9A) would be too much. The HD 5570 (43W/3.6A) would be OK-ish. Check your PSU's +12V rating again. Are you saying the +12V or -12V rating is 14A? If so, even the HD 7750 would be pushing it.

But your best solution would be a new PSU. See SR 71 Blackbird's suggestion.

am i wrong? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103778 65 watts? or is that not correct.

haha alright yea old computer going to buy a whole new one soon just upgrading a lil bit to hold me off for a couple months its a am2 so i should be fine with the 5570 i hope lol

looked up a few more cards what do you think about a 9500 gt? http://www.hwcompare.com/4101/geforce-8400-gs-512mb-vs-geforce-9500-gt-ddr2/ if thats right its only 10more watts then the 8400 gs but i dont want to risk it if that information is incorrect
The info is correct, but with its slow, outdated DDR2 VRAM... it would be slower and use more power than the HD 5570 you were looking at earlier.

You must be looking at used cards. Are you checking ebay, or where? Do you have a budget limit?

all of the above i had a budget limit and i found something im happy with thanks for the help. I got a new 4650 DDR3 1GB. I should be fine as far as the 250w.

Hi - Agree with Blackbird. You might be able to get by with the gt240, even then it is a gamble. The recommended +12v amps for
a system with a gt240 is 18, you have 14. For a 5570 it's 24 +12v amps. So, yes there is a little
headroom built in, but you also have to consider that PSU might no longer (if ever) delivers it's
rated power, due to aging and the fact that many PSU mfg's overstate and outright lie about their power specs.

I wouldn't risk either of those cards personally.