256/250/240 GB SSD - considering Plextor M6S and Crucial MX200


Apr 4, 2015

I am planning to add second SSD to my PC and I was wondering which one shall I choose. I've read a lot of articles about SSD drives and I got to know that it is better to add some more money and buy MLC based drive rather than TLC.
I was looking in the stores in Poland, where I am from, and in my budget range there are two interesting drives mentioned in the topic.
Basing on your experience please advice me which one shall I choose. Or maybe there is some other piece worth thinking of?

My PC:
CPU: i5 4460
Mobo: ga-b85m-d3h
RAM: 4x4 DDR3 Kingston 1600
GPU: Asus Strix GTX970
Primary SSD: Plextor M5Pro 128GB
Secondary HDD: Seagate 250GB

Reason why I consider buying new SSD?
Games nowadays are consuming more and more space. As I use my PC for gaming mostly I'd like to have 2-3 games installed at once and ready to play - without necessity of downloading them every time I want to play (I have LTE internet at home with download limits). TheWitcher3 - which is my favourite game - "consumes" almost 40GB of space. Recently Blood&Wine DLC is comming and to have possibility to download it, I have to move all games (besides W3) to other drive. THis is kind of exhausting to remember about all the paths, savegames and so on later on to restore the games back. And as I had opportunity to play game installed on the ssd I surely won't go back to gaming from the standard HDD. The speed of loading is amazing! :)
That's why I thought that I'll leave my 128GB SSD for the OS and aplications, and the new SSD will be used for the games only. The old HDD will be for the rest (photos, movies etc).
What do you think about such idea?

Yes, I was thinking about the Samsung also, but then I noticed that EVO series is based on TLC memory. Only PRO series has MLC sticks. And TLC has a very bad opinions on the forums. That's why I stopped including it in my consideration.

About prices - EVO's price is more or less the same with both in my country.
PRO is more expensive - out of budget.

Do not stress over MLC vs TLC. Instead, look at warranty and reputation.

I've just checked. Crucial and Plextor have 3 years of warranty, and Sansung EVO has 5, but there is this TBW condition of 75 terabytes

And the TBW for the Crucial? Probably the same 75TBW.

Plus, 75TB is a LOT. My near 4 year old 120GB Kingston (used to be the OS drive, now a secondary) is at 17% of that 75TB. 12.5TB. It will (has) become obsolete due to size long before it wears out due to too many writes.

Lastly, read here for drive endurance and TBW:

Yes. Crucial also has limited TBW to 80TB. I've just found this on their page.
Only Plextor gives unlimited warranty.
I was convinced to buy this M6S, as I've read that it offers quite similar performance to M5Pro series, and I am pretty happy with my current SSD. But unfortunately they shortened the warranty to 3y (my M5Pro has 5y). And I'd read some articles that there were some problems after firmware upgrade in M6S. Some part of the drives just died. Then I started to consider other options. And this MX200 has very good reviews.

Going back to the topic - If the matter of TLC vs MLC is not worth thinking of maybe there are other TLC based drives worth considering? (F.e. Crucial BX200 or Goodram CX200 or Plextor M6V).
Every money saved are welcome 😉

Honestly don't worry about MLC TLC, TBW and whatnot. Almost all modern ssd-s are reliable past their projected usage viability. And seeing as you are getting an SSD for games, don;t worry about speed either and just get the highest capacity you can afford(while for a boot drive you will se a difference between very fast and slower SSDs, for games you will not.

This is what i would go for: ADATA SP550 480 GB

Even though this is a budget line 480GB version is far more expensive than my budget. And I've read very bad reviews abut this SP550 line. They were saying that in synthetic tests it is OK, but in real usage the drive tend to be significantly slower and it is getting hot (as for SSD - arround 60 C degrees).
I don't know if this is a good direction.

But thanks for suggestion.

i bought a 250 gig samsung and regret it now. Don;t get me wrong, teh 850 evo is awesome and totally recommendable, but i regret not waiting to save a bit more and getting a 500ish gig one. You already have an SSD. Try and save for a larger capacity. Definitely what i would do. But you know how it goes wiht hindsight.